Oh, How Nice of Him

February 17, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I’m sure you heard that Trump has been nominated for a Nobel Prize.  I know you’ve heard it because Trump keeps announcing it and seem terribly upset that “they gave Obama one.”

Well, occasionally the truth rises to the surface.

Remember this guy who couldn’t get out of a handshake with Trump and flashed an eye roll about it?



That’s Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe (or simply Abe as Trump calls him).  He wrote a five page “beautiful” letter praising Trump and nominating him for the Nobel Peace Prize “at the request of the United States government.”  I’m pretty sure that someday we’ll find out what that cost us.  I suspect it was’t cheap because Kim doesn’t seem like he thinks Trump is a genius or that he’s making peace.

Next he’ll be asking people to nominate him for prom king.  Or queen, he’s not picky.


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0 Comments to “Oh, How Nice of Him”

  1. How about an Oscar for best portrayal of a drooling idiot? Pity he isn’t acting…

  2. I’d nominate him for a village idiot position, but I don’t think he would agree to my terms……

  3. Here ya go. This will look great next to your fake Time Magazine’s Man of the year cover.


  4. I almost forgot about your purple heart, awarded for debilitating bone spurs and a phony, corrupt life. You pig.

  5. Did he get confused with piece prize? If momma dosent approve just delete this.

  6. is there a prize for being the poster-boy p#$$ygrabber on reality tv?

  7. Dotard 45 doesn’t get the difference between nomination and recipient. I wonder how he’ll feel if he doesn’t actually receive one…

  8. Marcia in CO says:

    If you will recall, the Orange Idiot bought and paid for his own star on the Walk of Fame … As I understand it, that has been removed because both animals and humans were defecating on said star! A fence was built around it … and … sledge hammers were taken to it!
    Oh, if only it were that easy to remove the boil on the ass of America!
    O/T … please go here: https://www.deluxe.com/small-business-revolution/main-street/canon-city-co/

    to vote for Canon City, CO in the Small Business Revolution. You can still vote today and tomorrow! Thanks to those who go to vote!

  9. Every place I’ve looked says Abe did not write the latter, and that tRump showed is a forgery. FAKE NEWS.

  10. Truth or fake, when the real winner is announced and it is not theGolden Gibbon, he will simply declare” it was rigged!”

  11. Unfortunately for Trump, unlike the US presidency, the Nobel Peace Prize is awarded to whoever receives the most votes from the committee.

  12. So Abe calls Trump the “US government.” I prefer Mueller’s “Individual 1”.

  13. Buttermilk Sky says:

    The prime minister (or as Trump calls him “the president of Japan”) seems to have figured out what Putin, Kim and Netanyahu already knew: Flatter this moron and he’s yours forever. As debased as the Peace Prize is (Kissinger!), there is absolutely no danger it will ever go to Trump, who is widely despised. See Pence’s reception in Munich compared to Angela Merkel’s, for instance.
