Oh Holy Trump

September 10, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You gotta see this because you would not believe me if I told you.

Trump gives his own personal testimony about the big guy in the sky.



And to think, some people go to school for years to get a theology degree.

Thanks to Brad for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Oh Holy Trump”

  1. I didn’t watch your clip because I saw it on TV and once was enough. Far more than enough. I actually had a gag reflex while he was talking.

    “God is the greatest because I . . . .” about sums him up, doesn’t it?

    And what is even worse than what he said is the number of Fundamentalist Christians whose votes HE WON’T LOSE even after this.

  2. “Nobody, no thing, there’s nothing like God.”

    I wish there was a Revised Trump Version of the Bible. I’d especially like to read his poetic renderings of the Psalms, or Song of Solomon.

    Or Genesis: “On the sixth day, God helped me create a mortgage free golf course.”

  3. A Trump prayer circle must be a very confused (and confusing) thing.

  4. I’m surprised he didn’t say he sees God when he looks in the mirror.

  5. No. It’s the sabbath & even a heathen heretic isn’t going to react.

  6. GOD made this all for him. And he will let you play through If you ask nice. Its his world. And if you are rich and white he will let you live here for a price. What a Guy..

  7. So God created Chapter 11 that Trumps should prosper?

  8. Answer? What answer? As usual there was no answer just an answer about his mortgage free golf course. who cares about that? Can’t trump even consider anything other than himself? The United States and indeed the free world will not recover from a trump presidency. Trump proves that every time he opens his lying mouth.

  9. e platypus onion says:

    Debbo-you need to get in on this, girl.

  10. JAKvirginia says:

    Donnie explains God. Ahem. Someone he’s never met and probably never will.

  11. God made this and I own it. God is the force which allows Drumpf to be rich and powerful. That’s his religion, survival of the richest.

  12. OMG, that made me laugh. He’s so nucking futz it’s mind boggling! The Book of Scumpf supersedes all the gospels, the Letters of Paul and the other guys, the witness of Mary Mags, Mary and Joseph, the prophetic writings of Isaiah, Jeremiah and the rest of the boys.

    In Scumpfworld, he IS the bible. The rest is simply an appendix on the end. Oh, and we know who was actually crucified, died and buried, rose again on the 3rd day, saved all of humanity and every living, growing thing. Yeah, I don’t need to say it. Y’all know.

  13. The comments I read confirmed a new image in my mind that Hair Drumpf is in reality a Ferengi and as such he approaches everything he does from the perspective of the Ferengi’s sacred Rules of Acquisition. In this light Hair Drumpf is becoming more transparent, at least to me.

  14. Wow…just wow.

    Even when talking about God, Trump can’t help but talk about how great HE is. “One of the great deals (they say) EVER!”

    His narcissism is truly nauseating.

  15. I have worked with handicapped children (autistic, etc.) who were able to communicate wayyyyyyy better than this wad of DNA. And guess what! Those kids don’t lie! They don’t know what a lie is.

  16. Mark Schlemmer says:

    Trump was kind enough not to diss God for being such a bonehead and not seeing just how valuable “this” would be. Man, talk about Art of the Deal! That Donald is one savvy . . . um . . . savvy schlonger. Eh? I guess we can agree on that.

  17. Ya gotta give it to the guy, though. There is NO subject which can’t be converted to a springboard for himself or one of his Exclusive, Deluxe Properties.

  18. Any question that Trump hears is converted by his brain to “Tell me how wonderful you are.” Except when it’s “Tell me how disgusting anybody who isn’t you is.”

  19. So God = Profit.

    That is a definition the Repubs have been using for decades. They should sue Trump for plagiarism.

  20. Well, Trump put it all in a NUT shell, he really is g-d.
    Now can I tell you a joke: 2 Corinthians went into a bar and….

  21. e platypus onion says:

    Drumpf considers himself equal to Chuck Norris- a farce of one.

  22. That was a lot of words to say absolutely nothing.

  23. How can this joke be polling close to Hillary? Are so many American people really that stoopid? I feel like I’m in the Twilight Zone.
    This can’t be reality.

  24. That Other Jean says:

    Nothing is all he’s got to say, and money is all that matters to Trump.

  25. maryelle, I think that a lot of people simple avoid facts because facts upset them. Trump has an (R) by his name and that’s all they need to know. (Plus, Clinton is a liberal woman and they just hate that.)

  26. Well, there’s the Pacific Ocean. And there’s Trump.

    You really have to admire the depth of, um, the ocean.

  27. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Micr, Donnie is part of the Ferengi re-imaging program to make them appear to be kind and cuddly creatures. Unlike the snacilbupeR and Donnie, the Ferengi have a chance of success.

  28. Rick! Fun stuff…
    “On the sixth day, God help me create a mortgage free golf course.”

    “On the seventh day, God helped me restore the ribs back to the proper place and while He was at it gave my Melania 34 DD’s!”

  29. JAKvirginia says:

    laurensd1: 34’s are for losers! Think yuuuuugggge! Think zeppelins! Think personal floatation devices! Think… I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.

  30. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Have you noticed how few nouns he has? “God is the ultimate…” (what? WHAT NOUN GOES THERE?) Lots of his utterances are mostly “I” and adjectives (great, greater, greatest, big, bigger, biggest) minus nouns. He does have a few nouns, but he uses them sparingly.

  31. Just watch. Won’t be long now that tRump will be publicly thanking God for creating him super-healthy with the lifespan of Methuselah. Yeah, right. Per a fake doctor who issued a fake health report. Start the countdown now as to how quick he jumps on Hillary’s health. Hell, if she were really unhealthy the schedule she kept as Sec/State would have killed her in the first year. And he’s older. P-neumonia? He never heard of walking pneumonia? Had that. Still kept going. Just like the vast majority of women everywhere. Count down should start with “8” as in 8, 7, 6 …

  32. It’s way too close to bedtime for me to watch Drumpf on video. Maybe when I awake.
