Oh Hell, They Did It

July 21, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Alternative Facts

I was writing for one of my paying jobs earlier this week and made the comment that no matter what dumb butt thing the Texas Governor does, it will be blamed on the border and the lack of a wall.

In case anybody thinks I was wrong or overstating the situation, the boys who write at my local newspaper decided to give me a hand and prove my theory.  I appreciate their help but What The Fried Okra were they thinking?

Try your damnest to read this.

In all my years, I have never heard of a Smoky and the Bandit chase through Odessa. Odessa is 250 miles from Del Rio and 290 miles from El Paso.  It’s almost closer to Fort Worth than the border.  It’s desert and snakes.  Odessa is not a border city and a lockdown is a lockdown. Schools in the inner city have lockdowns all the time, thanks to guns in the area.

Governor Abbott looked the fool for his handling of the press after this horrific event.  His supporters need to distract from that fact and blame someone else.

Dudes, we need to talk to this “investigator” who believes that repetition of facts and actions is not a factor in learning.

You wanna know what another “factor” might have been?  Letting a teenager with mental health problems buy a weapon of mass destruction.  Not coming to their aid for over an hour.  Police who are are not brave or leaders.  I dunno, but practicing did not cause this event.

Newspaper Boys, the absence of a wall is not what’s making Greg Abbott stoopid. He was born that way.


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