Oh Hell No

August 03, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, you each get 25 words to try to convince me that this is not the creepiest guy on the damn planet.


The laugh at the end?  I think he does that a lot in his basement at night.

Thanks to Roger for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Oh Hell No”

  1. Y’all ever watch the HBO Series a few years back called “The Newsroom”? I have been binge watching all the episodes from Season (1). If you haven’t seen episode (10). please find it and watch.

    Gonna miss Jon Stewart…. do miss “The Newsroom”.

    Wouldn’t miss Ted Cruz for a second.

  2. How about using only 25 letters to convince you that this is not the creepiest guy on the damn planet…

    “Cuz he’s way too far past creepy…”

    Does that work for you?

  3. This finally made the big time news shows like Charlie Rose et al. Their reactions mirror all the comments here!

  4. Dissuade you of truth? Not MY job…

  5. June Bug says:

    @Diane: Please don’t insult the Walmart greeters. They’re generally pleasant and just trying to make a living.

  6. two crows says:

    And now we see the result of “Citizens United.” Myself, I’d like to know what “citizens” it represents – but that’s for another post.

    But here is the result of Big Dark Money in politics. These guys [The Rand Chainsaw Massacre, Lindsey of The Phone in the Blender fame and the latest, Machine Gun Teddy (who doesn’t know the difference between automatic and semi-automatic weapons)] are now auditioning for spots on the reality teevee show FOX is sponsoring this Thursday.

    Heaven help us all.

  7. fran seyer says:

    Maybe he could have some lion with that bacon………

  8. Marge Wood says:

    Just remember, he’s a Dominionist. The rich guys love him, prolly because Papa Cruz says that the wealth of the nations will flow to Teddy when he is King on the Mountain.

  9. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Faux “machine gun bacon” cooked on not a machine gun by a faux human being, Daffy the Dominionist Cruz, Jr.

  10. Del Carter says:

    I would say borderline personality disorder, but . . . hell, he crossed over that border a long time ago.

  11. Robin Frazier says:

    Well now I am convinced he is a full blown psychopath.

  12. lunargent says:

    MSNBC had fun with this yesterday. Rachel Maddow pointed out that the gun was, undeed, a semiautomatic, and the barrel couldn’t get nearly hot enough to cook bacon.
    Al Sharpton’s panelists figured he actually lost macho points, because he ate the bacon with a plastic fork.

    Personally, I was pretty envious of his beautifully well-kept hands and flawless manicure. And even as I find his political acts increasingly deplorable, I’m developing a real fascination for the increasing surrealism of his performance art.

    Froom Green Eggs and Ham to Gun Barrel Bacon; there’s some real artistic growth there.

  13. We got Maple Cured Bacon, Brown Sugar Cured Bacon and now introducing Teddy’s Hoppe’s #9 Flavored Bacon.

  14. Linda Phipps says:

    Last night I was inspired by the documentary on Public Television about Lyndon Johnson’s work to get passage of the civil rights legislation. He was tough, canny, and never had to resort to making a complete fool of himself. Then I ruined my happy thoughts by ruminating about the likes of Cruz and Trump, and realizing these two are the girls the boys want to party with, but not take to the prom or home for Sunday dinner with mother.

  15. I can do it in 17 letters, Ken Paxton’s mugshot.
