Oh Hell No

August 03, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, you each get 25 words to try to convince me that this is not the creepiest guy on the damn planet.


The laugh at the end?  I think he does that a lot in his basement at night.

Thanks to Roger for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Oh Hell No”

  1. Corinne Sabo says:

    No quarrel here.

  2. Not watching it. Don’t want nightmares, and too low on brain bleach.

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Two words: Louie Gohmert?

  4. Sister Artemis says:

    To my eye, that bacon looked a bit undercooked.
    And did he wash that thing before he wrapped bacon around it? Ewwwww!

  5. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    The bar is also in the basement. There seems to be no end to how much it can be lowered.

  6. Okay, that’s one minute and six seconds I’ll never get back.

    What was that supposed to be, a campaign ad? Nothing would surprise me at this point.

  7. Old Mayfly says:

    My very favorite sandwich is bacon, lettuce, tomato. Guns are not involved. Ted Cruz is not involved.

    IMO, Ted Cruz is a ridiculous candidate, and a ridiculous chef.

  8. Cheryl Ann says:

    I hate to say this outloud, but how much more stupid can this PRESIDENTIAL race get? These yahoos think they are proving they can run the country?? Do the people supporting them think, oh yeah, now I see how he can control the military??? UGH!!!

  9. BarbinDC says:

    If that isn’t disqualifying for being President, I don’t know what is. What a Psycho!

  10. Marcia in CO says:

    Momma, oh, Momma … please avert your eyes!!

    Cruz is an eff’in lunatic!!

  11. rePUKEians….trying to out do each other on stupidity, lunacy, and uncaring about others.

  12. Jere Armen says:

    No argument from me. This is at least one of the creepiest guys on the planet. I can’t even look at a photograph of him, he creeps me out so–especially with that smirk.

  13. OMG I’m stunned at how stupid this is. What does this say about him? “Look how mature and presidential I am?” or “Look how juvenile I can be with a lethal weapon?” What a dimwitted piece of evil!!!!

  14. Linda Phipps says:

    Wrong audience. He needs to perfect his recipe for Machine Gun Blintzes and share them with Putin.

  15. maryelle says:

    So instead of healthcare from Cruz we get machine gun bacon.
    This is what is supposed to pass for gravitas? President? This loon should never have been able to walk the halls of Congress.
    Send his baconfat a$$ packing.

  16. This makes sense to me. He is reaching out to the republican base. Guns, manliness, and poor diet. You have to get their attention before you can get their vote. After all these are the folks that believe that you can magically raise government revenues by lowering taxes.

  17. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Is this his appeal to Jewish voters? Seriously, bacon?

  18. Hollyanna says:

    To which demographic is this supposed to appeal? Please explain…

  19. So is he running for a county agricultural agent position?

  20. That should go perfectly with a presidential campaign that’s toast. Texas Toast.

  21. Um, if guns are a method of compensation for a – er – ahem- lack of other equipment, and Cruz is wrapping said equipment in bacon for breakfast…..

    Color me thoroughly creeped out!

  22. Pancho Sanza says:

    A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, creepy, sad-eyed assfaces from Canada wasting perfectly good suicide-ready ammo shall be deported.

  23. He went to Princeton and to Harvard Law School and he still thinks this ad was a good idea? I’ll have to rethink my opinion of both those universities. Of course my opinion of Crud hasn’t changed one iota.

  24. e platypus onion says:

    Who but a non-fiscally conservative wingnut would go out of his/her way to dream up more expensive ways to undercook bacon?

  25. Old Mayfly says:

    The good news is that Ted Cruz has no idea how offensive he is.

  26. Creepy. Tacky. Exceedingly childish.

  27. That is without a doubt the stupidest thing I have ever seen…until the next stupidest thing these idiots come up with.

  28. Breakfast with the Family? So he shows his children the gun, bacon and what’s gonna happen…’hey, let’s use a gun to cook our breakfast?’

  29. Saw this on one of the political sites emanating from D.C. today. Was too damn busy to take a look. Darn glad I missed it! Just how does all this work with Dominionism, or is this his revelation as to how he will achieve Dominion over the world? With a gun?

    I class him right next to Mussolini.

  30. Annabelle Lee says:

    No kidding, I think he learned to imitate human laughter by watching the Three Stooges.

  31. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    hahaha Linda Phipps and Ralph Wiggins.

  32. Lol Polite Kool Marxist says:!

    “Two words: Louie Gohmert?”

    You should see the video of how Chris Christie brushes his teeth. If gross and punishment is your thing, you don’t want to miss that one.

  33. Betcha $100 he sauntered out of the shooting range without cleaning up that grease on the floor.

  34. John Peter Henson says:

    Leave it to a Rethuglican to choose the most expensive way to cook 1 slice of bacon. That shopping cart had at least 4 lbs. that magazine holds 30 rounds@ $.45each. $13.50 per slice.

  35. Sandridge says:

    Pretty good insight into how they market ‘the product’ (Theocracy Ted) to their faithful base demographic, who are obviously perceived as hypostupid.

    At probably $0.60 per .223 round (I’m guessing, haven’t bought any in a long while), it likely cost about $20+ to semi-cook those couple of slices of bacon, soooo efficient.
    A perfect lesson in modern ‘Murikan economics brought to you by a noted Repuke and the MIC/defense industry.

    With a little luck Cruzeer will contract trichinosis or some other foodborne disease in time for the wonderful upcoming ‘debate of the clowns’.
    Picture the Annointed One mincing around behind his podium, then finally having to make a run for the commode (not making it either, the odor of a good case of the scours wafting through the venue…)

    And at the end of the Cruzucks video clip, the next video on offer was a clear shot of a bimbo in a red dress and a very obvious “wardrobe malfunction” that had a clearly silicone-enhanced hooter hanging out, heh. They all have that target demographic zeroed in…

  36. Jim Wright at Stonekettle Station says:
    “As to eating bacon cooked on a gun barrel. If the weapon was properly maintained, likely it was cleaned with a CLP (cleaner, lubricant, protectant) like Break-Free. That’s not something you want to be putting in your mouth, it’s like drinking transmission fluid.”
    That would surely cause brain damage if not worse. Maybe that’s why Cruz is so crazy!!

  37. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    lex, thank you for the warning about the Outlaw Jersey Whale video. Will NOT be watching; Christie used up his fair share of my brain bleach with his baseball wardrobe failure pictures.

    Begging you folks, please do not share links of Christie after he was jack hammered into baseball pants. If not for me, restrain yourselves for Mama.

    Play fair kids, or there’s some fine Blake Farenthold and other GOP moments to fight back in a war of disgusting pictorial moments.

  38. L Lester says:

    this man is seriously disturbed and not fit for a dog catcher job, let alone Senator or President. We have him because of the Robotic voters here in Texas. What a shame.

  39. e platypus onion says:

    Wingnuts have brain cells not already damaged? Who knew?

  40. Elise Von Holten says:

    Maybe we could get him to stick his tinfoil covered head into a bucket of bacon flavored salt water kelp–


  41. Speechless,other then adding WTF was that??? Sweet Lordy Jesus,make it stop! Now,I’m just going to double my pain,and head over to the Immoral Minority to watch the “interview” on an escalator with Sarah Palin. I’m either a glutton for punishment,or about to toss my cookies after scrubbing my eyes and brain out with bleach! Two Republican eejit videos in a row-God be with me,and wish me luck!

  42. Nothing more can be said. I must run for the bathroom myself. Ye gods…

  43. two crows says:

    I’ll use 5. “I’m not going to try.”

    To Anne: Luck. Not sure which kind – but luck all the same.

  44. Sorry – but his face always reminds me of the junior high kid who’s hoping that no one notice he just farted.

  45. HIS basement? Shouldn’t a guy like this still be living in his mom’s basement?

    Or in Cruz’s case, his dad’s?

  46. So, basically, he’s porking his penis extender, right?

  47. Good one Deb. As for the video, gah!

  48. The rest of the world is watching this clown show called the republican primary.

    They are crazy enough that the rest of the world should be putting sanctions on the US.
    NONE of these republicans should be anywhere near the POTUS office.

    They are crazy, mean, nasty unhinged lunatics that should be preaching in churches or working as a greeter in WalMart.
    Or a gun store.

  49. Angelo_Frank says:

    Ted Cruz is a certifiable ‘sicko’. Proving one doesn’t have to be mentally competent to hold political office, or to even possess a gun. Cruz claiming to be a follower of the Bible is also a raging hypocrite in that “And the swine, because it divideth the hoof, yet cheweth not the cud, it is unclean unto you: ye shall not eat of their flesh, nor touch their dead carcase.” – Deuteronomy 14:8

  50. SteveTheReturned says:

    And it’s not even a machine gun. It’s a semi-auto.

    I keep waiting for evidence of this guy’s supposed high-level intellect. No sign of it yet—he’s too busy humiliating the State of Texas with creepy stunts like this.
