Oh Dear, It’s Gonna Be a Day

July 09, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

And here’s how you know that:


Bless his heart, the Supremes ruled that he doesn’t get immunity from subpoenas from the New York prosecutor’s office.

We are still waiting to see if congress gets to see his tax returns.

Okey Dokey …

The Supreme Court on Thursday delivered split opinions in two cases over whether President Donald Trump can shield his tax records from investigators, handing a win to the Manhattan district attorney but rejecting parallel efforts by Democrats in the House of Representatives.

It just now occurred to me that the decision was 7 – 2 against Trump and the two judges he appointed voted against him.  I did a little dance when I figured that one out.


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0 Comments to “Oh Dear, It’s Gonna Be a Day”

  1. Malarkey says:

    Bless his heart, indeed!

  2. Wonder if Trump got a heads up from one of his judges prior to public release of the decisions?

  3. Roberts opinion on the Vance case says the Court was 9-0 vs POTUS “total immunity”. That’s something, as tattered as the rule of law has become.
    Interesting that Justice Not-Garland and Younger Sex Predator voted with the majority.

  4. megasoid says:

    Blackbeard’s treasure **************
    Maynyard, it be mutiny! Fetch me cutlass! Those lubbers found me trove. I’ll be ‘angin aye from the Port Royal gate. Arrghh!

  5. And, and a Black Lives Matter mural is gonna be painted in NYC near Dump Towers!
    Bet Benedict Donald is having a really bad day

  6. Grandma Ada says:

    The forensic accountant in me is leaping for joy. And in today’s era of electronic tax filing, the NY prosecutors can get to work right away!

  7. Sam in Superior says:

    There’s no pardon on this one although I could see Trump living in Florida and Ron DeSantis refusing to allow him to be touched.

  8. Brad in Dallas says:

    The POTUS is our employee. If I had an employee who every day was tweeting out evidence of how much he was shirking his assigned work to watch TV, it’d be an open and shut case to hire his sorry butt.

  9. Brad in Dallas says:

    So sorry that should say fire, not hire. Horrors!

  10. bananas says:

    @Sam 7
    He can’t live permanently at Mar-a-Lago AND keep it as a Club

    “… agreement that Trump made in 1993 to convert Mar-a-Lago from a single-family residence to a private club owned by a corporation Trump controls. The agreement includes a provision that bans members from using the club’s guest rooms for longer than seven days at a time three times a year.”

    Good Splainer: Trump made Florida his official residence. He may have also made a legal mess. #Shocker https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/trump-made-florida-his-official-residence-he-may-have-also-made-a-legal-mess/2020/05/07/17d53fb2-849c-11ea-878a-86477a724bdb_story.html

  11. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Even Billy Barrf can’t help him out of this, though I’m sure he’ll try.
    Hoping the House lawyers can quickly provide a compelling case as to why the Trumpf must comply with their subpoena. Can just imagine the Twitter storm that would create if he lost that too.
    Can’t wait for him to start trashing the Supremes by name.
