Oh Courtland, You Are Soooo Hot!

January 25, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Yeah, there’s a Republican by the name of Courtland Sykes running for the United States senate in Missouri.

He was asked if he supports women’s rights.  Of course he does, with a few minor adjustments.

“I want to come home to a home cooked dinner every night at six,” Sykes said, referring to demands he makes of his girlfriend. “One that she fixes and one that I expect one day to have daughters learn to fix after they become traditional homemakers and family wives.”

He says that feminists have “snake filled heads”.  That’s certainly phallic of him.

The candidate said that he hoped his daughters do not grow up to be “career obsessed banshees who forgo home life and children and the happiness of family to become nail-biting manophobic hell-bent feminist she devils who shriek from the top of a thousand tall buildings they are [SIC] think they could have leaped in a single bound — had men not been ‘suppressing them.’ It’s just nuts.”

I don’t think monophobic means what he thinks it means.


But, in the end, he thinks there’s nothing to worry about.

“But good news,” he concluded. “They’re finished. Ask Hillary.”

Instead, I think I’ll ask Clair McCaskill what she’s cooking for dinner tonight.

Thanks to SGray for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Oh Courtland, You Are Soooo Hot!”

  1. That Other Jean says:

    Way to alienate half your constituents, Mr. Sykes! You’ve made this decision much easier for everybody than before you opened your mouth, I’m sure. Well done!

  2. Welcome to Missouri. Set your clocks back to 1850

  3. He is the Republican candidate Missouri Democrats PRAY for! Akin wasn’t a bug, he was a feature of Missouri Republican politics.

  4. If magic were real, this guy would be a newt by now.

  5. The question is, who would want to vote for this guy?

    Could there really be a majority of voting citizens that agree with this kind of rhetoric in the state of Missouri?

    If not, why does the Republican Party let such people in? *Unless* it is to show that the true candidates are relatively sane…

  6. Jane & PKM says:

    Ms. Juanita Jean Herownself: “Instead, I think I’ll ask Clair McCaskill what she’s cooking for dinner tonight.”

    *** Danger, danger Will Robinson ***

    Seriously, that ‘what’s for dinner’ line should come with the standard hold my beer warning of “do not try this at home.” Is Courtland Sykes suicidal or just st00pid? When or where in the 21st century has it even been safe for us guys to ask “whose turn is it to cook?” under most circumstances. We’re supposed to know when it’s our turn to cook, and if you don’t know or forgot, at least have the basic survival instinct to ask your wife if she’d like to go out to one of her favorite places for dinner. Take out is optional, but tacky when we’re already on thin ice.

  7. Mike in MO says:

    I didn’t think voting against Republicans could be any more fun than it was, but this guy would bring it from fun past joy into elation. I don’t think he is the strongest contender though.

  8. JJ, I don’t think “monophobic” means what you think it means.

    monophonic. 1 : having a single unaccompanied melodic line. 2 : of or relating to sound transmission, recording, or reproduction involving a single transmission path.

    I know…it was just a typo, but I couldn’t resist. Forgive me.

  9. I’m pretty sure this is just a brilliant piece of performance art. The picture of him with an open shirt in front of amber waves of grain is the give-away. Someone said it looks like the Marlboro man in a sport coat. The person that created this parody campaign is a genius! I salute you sir or madam, whomever you are.

  10. Courtland needs an editor for his “for Senate” website. Someone with written English skills. And a net positive IQ. For example, this from the website

    “As a military veteran and military intelligence operator with four combat zone tours of duty in Iraq and the Middle East and one in Central America, I am trained and fully prepared to shoot and kill any enemy instinctively, without hesitation and without remorse.”

    That thought sounded better in his head I’m sure, but what he just described is called Murder or Manslaughter. The thought needs some wordsmithing on the website. Or liberal use of the delete key.

    This boy ain’t right.

  11. A military intelligence operator? I doubt if he means he was an intelligence analyst, as I’m pretty sure the military requires smarter people in that job. I don’t doubt that he’s fully prepared to shoot to kill, though…

  12. Really dinner on the table , home made too, by six! Granted I am retired and dinner is on the table by seven but my choice. That way I do not have to stop what I am doing until the local news comes on. Sometimes my husband chops vegetables and helps too. We are living in 2018…not 1918. Please these people need to be educated or at least the daughters need to be rescued.

  13. Courtland, honey, my late husband was the cook in the family. He had been taught to cook New Orleans style by the other men in his family and he was a military veteran as were those other home cooking men. But thats what a really good successful military man has to be — able to take on any task any time. They could do that cuz their manhood was secure.

  14. Grey One talks sass says:

    I adore these “one size fits all” GOP men. They are so last century (and by adore I mean they are too easy to mock).

    So, did anyone else jump to Star Gate Command and the Goa’uld when Courtland called feminists ‘snakeheads’? Or was his reference more aimed at a Biblical interpretation, like feminists minds are filled with Satan – also a last century notion these Goupers keep trying to revive (cue the horror movie clip of It’s Alive! It’s Alive!!!!!!).

    To be honest if anyone had to depend on MY cooking to survive, well, they would die. Even sick with chemo my late husband was the goto cook of the family. Oh, I can bake but how many meals of pastries or cookies is really good for a body?

    Feminism is dead. Huh. Guess he missed the marches this last weekend.

  15. Even if he doesn’t win a primary, or an election, he can save the campaign brochures for his teenage daughter’s dates at the front door.

    Here you go son, just read the part that’s highlighted and underlined. Home by 10, right?

    “I am trained and fully prepared to shoot and kill any enemy instinctively, without hesitation and without remorse.”

  16. Somehow I don’t think he is endorsed by VoteVets.

    As for America First Values, does he mean values like the president*? https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2018/01/23/tony-perkins-evangelicals-donald-trump-stormy-daniels-216498

  17. “career obsessed banshees who forgo home life and children and the happiness of family to become nail-biting manophobic hell-bent feminist she devils who shriek from the top of a thousand tall buildings they are [SIC] think they could have leaped in a single bound”

    Dang, I feel empowered! How about y’all, ladies?

  18. Courtland, Courtland, Courtland. Manophobic means irrationally scared of HANDS.

  19. Coprolite says:

    Yo Sykes, just a word of wisdom, you don’t get the opportunity to procreate when you live in the dog house.

    Another point, be nice, one of those ladies may be caring for you when you are old and bedridden and need your backside wiped.

  20. Rhea:

    Sykes sounds like a 1950s troglodyte that needs to be sent back to his cave.

    As I see it, most women have to be career obsessed and learn to leap tall buildings to keep a roof over their family’s head, food on the table and kids in clothes. I know them. They are mothers, they are wives and they are single women determined to thrive. Kudos to the many who do this daily.

    Jane & PKM:
    Women need to send Sykes a can of beans with a message to cook his own damn (sorry momma) dinner.

  21. This is fun and we are all laughing. But, this asshole is really why females cannot progress at work.

    DH worked for years being the go fer for the officers at a fortune 100 company. He did M&A and long range planning. At the time it was our concern that the men who could make a difference thought all women were just like the ones they married and the women who raised them.

  22. The Twitterverse is all over this a-hole. I have some female cousins in Missouri. I’m not sure how politically active or aware they are, but I sent them a snarky FB post about this knuckle dragger, including quoting him. I tagged my cousins so they’re very likely to read it. I’ll let you know if there are any noteworthy responses. Oh yeah. They’re all self-supporting and don’t have dinner ready at 6 for anyone if they don’t feel like it.
