First You Say You Will, Then You Say You Won’t, Then You Say You Do and Then …

January 25, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The New York Times, the True News, reports that Ty Cobb, the White House lawyer leading the response to the Russia investigation, said that President Trump “was speaking hurriedly and intended only to say that he was willing to meet” with special counsel Robert Mueller and not necessarily be interviewed under oath.

Speaking “hurriedly.” Is anybody keeping a list of the euphemisms being used for “Damn Crazy Guy” when his staff is walking back what Trump says.

The best part? Cobb said …

 “He’s ready to meet with them, but he’ll be guided by the advice of his personal counsel.”

Damn. Is Cobb trying to tell us that Trump is guided by anything?  Anything at all?

Cobb, a Denver corporate attorney, describes himself thusly, “I have rocks in my head and steel balls.”  Well, the rocks are winning.


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0 Comments to “First You Say You Will, Then You Say You Won’t, Then You Say You Do and Then …”

  1. Wyatt Earl says:

    Cobb is saying, “I’m one of the slimy 90% of lawyers who give the other 10% a bad name.”

  2. Snidely Whiplash on prednisone sez what? Steel balls and rocks not so good when you’re skating on thin ice. Time to blow a little ballast.

  3. Let’s hope Mueller forces Liar-in-Chief to a one on one and has a videographer on call. That should be the last nail in the coffin for impeachment and/or indictment. If this crook doesn’t finally end up behind bars, there is no justice.

  4. Maryelle,

    Add an indictment and testimony before a federal grand jury with a videographer. Mueller will only ask questions that he already knows the answers. Get the fire ready…Rumpie is going to get roasted.

  5. Cato the Censor says:

    Speaking as an attorney, I really hate “tough guy” attorneys.

  6. Cato: As a retired public defender I worked with 10% Wyatt Earl was talking about

  7. That Other Jean says:

    Boy, that “walking back something Donald Trump said” path is seriously well worn, and it’s only been a year. Are his attorneys ever going to get tired of walking it? How they can keep pretending that he didn’t say what he said is beyond me.

  8. That bow tie looks like it was stolen off a stuffed Easter bunny.

    Kinda makes you question this guy’s judgment.

  9. I think “speaking hurriedly” is a euphemism for Trump talking while a commercial is on, still needing to get to the can, then get another can of Diet Coke before Fox & Friends comes back on.

  10. @Rick
    We’ve all done that. Middle of Seventh inning, run to men’s room, grab a gigantic pretzel, grab a coalbeer, back in your seat by the second pitch. Any conversation purely optional.

  11. When I saw the headline that Trump was willing to speak to Mueller, or even testify under oath, I said, “What the hell good is that gonna do? He’ll say the opposite the next day, if not tweet the opposite the next hour.”
