Oh Cool! A Crooked Misogynist! Yes, Todd Akin, I’m Looking At You.

October 04, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You know, one of the great lesson of life is Do Not Hack off A Woman.  We will hurt you.

And it seems that a woman has undercovered a bit of information about Todd Akin.

Republican Senate candidate Todd Akin on Thursday released a decade’s worth of federal financial reports he has updated with nearly $130,000 in state pension income that he received, but failed to disclose, over that time.

He calls it an oversight.  Yeah, right, Todd.

Here you are, one of those government teat-suckers that doesn’t take responsibility for your own life but you “forgot” to report that.

Todd, hey, nobody believes you.

Thanks to Craig for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Oh Cool! A Crooked Misogynist! Yes, Todd Akin, I’m Looking At You.”

  1. Elise Von Holden says:

    My ex would not be able to get his car out of that predicament–and after waiting 30 years to inform me of his gayness, I do mean dick-a-ment. I would just man up and drive it out…but then I am a very feminine woman (had to be, to out feminine him) so it would be quite a sight!!!

  2. Honestly, I do not believe Todd Akin is a human. Every photo of him looks like a robot with glue-on polyester hair. And the stuff that comes out of his mouth is simply not believable.

  3. Sam in Kyle says:

    Hard to believe he has a chance but we’ve got Perry, and Abbott, and Gohmert, and John Cornyn and…………………………….

  4. Marge Wood says:


  5. I know Kyle, it is hard for me to believe too. Frankly it can be downright depressing. Then I remember that here in Missouri, we elected a dead guy in order to get rid of John Ashcroft (sorry about sticking you all with that), so there is still hope for Claire, even if she is “un-ladylike.”

    In other news, the libertarian, is now pulling 9% of the vote.

  6. Cut him some slack, he used Clarence Thomas’ accountant.

  7. One of Aikin’s big attack ads against Claire nails her for renting a plane owned by one of her husband’s companies. He alleges she is “E-V-I-L” (channel your inner Alec Guinness here), because she “deliberately lied” when she reported this expense on one form when it should have appeared on another. But, he “forgets” to tell us about a state pension for years and it is “just an oversight.”

    Is it just me or do Republicans all have better tax accountants than Democrats? Or is that just better excuses?

  8. They are just better LIARS, that is all…..crooked bunch of hypocritical Repigs.

  9. Mary Jim Graham says:

    I am looking for a way to remove oil from the interior of my TV screen, left after the debate Wednesday night. It is, of course, just on the side of the screen where Mitt stood, with his Bush-like smirk.
    Incidentally, with all the talk about Mitt winning the debate, a saying keeps coming to mind. It says something like “winning a battle, but losing the war”.
