Oh Be Still My Heart!

October 27, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

As you know, both Ted Cruz and Rick Perry are spending more time in Iowa than Texas.  I’m not complaining.  In fact, I feel a little blessed that they both switched out of cowboy boots and into fly-over clothes.


Apparently, the Republicans in Iowa think the Texas Twins are a boatload of whoopee. Especially the one who can talk for 21 hours and say diddle squat.

And the latest news is that some Republicans in Iowa are talking about Ted.

The lengthy Senate speech “only confirmed to me as an Iowa activist that this man has what it takes to run for president,” said Jamie Johnson, a member of the state GOP central committee who was state chairman of former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum’s winning 2012 caucus campaign.

Hell, yeah, Jamie Johnson!  You propelled Santorum to stardom as well as Cruz’s speech accomplished … well, anything at all.  You two guys deserve each other.

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