Occam’s Razor Triumphs Again

November 09, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: 2016 Election, Trump

Occam’s razor


Oc·​cam’s razor | \ˈä-kəmz- \
variants: or less commonly

Definition of Occam’s razor 

: a scientific and philosophical rule that entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily which is interpreted as requiring that the simplest of competing theories be preferred to the more complex or that explanations of unknown phenomena be sought first in terms of known quantities.

In other words, the simplest answer is usually the correct one.  I bring the argument of Donald Trump – in his ever changing story, the Wall Street Journal (yes, THAT Wall Street Journal) broke news today that should seem blatantly obvious to normal people; that Trump himself, in violation of campaign finance laws, personally directed and was intimately involved in the hush money paid to women to silence them about his sexual escapades with them.

This is classic Occam’s Razor.  The simplest answer (and most obvious) is usually the correct one.

In other news, water is wet.

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0 Comments to “Occam’s Razor Triumphs Again”

  1. For me the simplest answer to Donnie having “sexual escapades” includes disbelief and dry heaves, but I’ll go with your version.

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    Dotard45 is acting as if his dense cranium almost comprehends that the noose is tightening. With a Democratic House, he’s useless to Old Scratch McConnell and pal Putin. Take your pick, Donnie. Either Mueller throws your a$$ in prison, Old Scratch lets the impeachment go forward, Putin poisons you or you could dig in for a trifecta of all 3.

  3. Jonathon Hubbert says:


    Someone using THE ‘Razor’ correctly.

    Occam’s Razor is the force denying all those conspiracy theories promoted by the lazy [under-educated] class of nay-sayers & O’Bama haters.

  4. Important clause on the razor
    Simplest explanation that accounts for all the known FACTS, not theory’s or delusional fantasies. Facts as established by scientific method. The existence of the FSM is not a scientiically provable fact so cannot enter discussion.
    Without this clause the “because the Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM) willed it” or heretical alternatives become the simplest explanations but obviously and conspiciously wrong.
    I beleive Lord Occam developed his razor in response to the evolution debates in the age of darwin to preclude fantasist’s from adding FSM to explain their delusions.

  5. Karen Byrd says:

    When you hear hoofbeats, think horse – not zebra.

  6. That Other Jean says:

    K: your origin story of “Occam’s Razor” is a bit off. William of Occam was a 14th Century Franciscan friar/philosopher, who was probably born in Surrey, England, in the village of Ockham. No Darwin or FSM needed.

  7. That Other Jean,
    Thank You.
    Must go back to teacher who erred plus my failure to double check.
    Just shows what one learns in HS is not necessarily accurate espiacially of some decades.
    Again Mahalo

  8. That Other Jean says:

    @K–less than no problem. I attributed something to Louis XIV on another blog yesterday that was actually done by Louis XV, and was grateful for the politeness of the person who corrected me. It happens to everybody.

  9. That Other Jean,
    Reason it stuck in my mind was he ( male teacher) had connected it to Earl of Sandwich and the “invention” of sandwiches on how “things” get named.
    Earl of Sandwich, Lord Occum the connection stuck.

  10. @Jane & PKM

    heard again at the Moscow Starbuck’s in Lubyanka square, “Order for Donald, Frappuccino, extra polonium shot.”

  11. Karen Byrd says:
    When you hear hoofbeats, think horse – not zebra.

    When I hear Trump I think horse$hit – now that the horses have left the barn.

  12. Part of the whole Occam’s Razor bit is that it is a principle, not a law or a rule. There have been many exceptions to it, and there’s a whole school of philosophers and logicians who criticize it on logical grounds. Yes, Trumpholio is transparent, venal, dishonest, crooked, utterly vile in every way, a yet-to-be-convicted criminal (so far), and deserves to be booted from office. But that doesn’t mean the least detailed way is the best, especially when international criminal conspiracies, suborned perjury, obstruction of justice, and thousands of documented lies are thrown into the pot.

  13. Jonathon Hubbert says:

    Running trumplthinskin out of office is not the most desirable outcome. Once removed from office, offenses not cited during impeachment, if so removed — impeached & convicted — may be prosecuted in relevant state & federal courts.

    Since removal will be a fact, ‘razor’ applies. It does not apply to impeachment.

  14. The Greg
    I have always been told and used it as a tool to help guide one to finding the truth by establishing a working theory that helps move discovery forward.

  15. El Jefe has it right, you should look for the simplest explanation that covers all the bases. The biggest problems is that most statements begin with “All things being the same [or equivalent]”, and too many people skip over that part.

  16. Sorry, left out part: yes it definitely is a great tool for working theories. It’s just not a law and is too easily misapplied. But with Trump, the bloody obvious is often enough, but there are still layers of misdeeds and stupidity to deal with no matter how deep you dig . . .

  17. don’t forget that if 45 is removed, we get Theocracy Pence.
    He was 45’s insurance policy.

  18. Occam’s razor is a starting point, just as “think of horses, not zebras” is a starting point, and by the way, that’s a bad starting point if you’re in east Africa, so consider the situation. If you find information that contradicts your assumption of the simplest explanation, you toss out Occam and start over with the facts you have.

  19. Occam’s Razor is way too wimpy.
    I’d like to see an Occam’s Pendulum deployed on Comrade Donnei.
    As in Edgar Allen Poe’s “The Pit and the Pendulum”. Make sure that large-size plastic ties are used as restraints too, impossible to get free of, not even RAT45’s furry bucktoothed RWNJ minions could chew through them.



  20. Micr, yes indeed good friend, Herr Drumpf is certainly on Vlad’s menu. Maybe something in a nice croissant this week.

    Tiny Donnie’s week is about to become rockier with the release of Mrs. Obama’s book, Becoming. While Dotard45 loves to attack women, especially women of color, Orange Foolius would be incredibly st00pid to engage in a battle of wits with her. He wimped out and attacked President Obama after the first excerpt was released from her book. And, while those around him are probably advising him not to engage, it’s an observable proven fact that Donnie’s twitter fingers will slip their tether after a short period of initial restraint.

    Maybe we should collaborate on a book of the best Dotard45 jokes. We could title it: Untethered.

  21. Jane & PKM says:

    Punishments both suitable for Dotard45 and staying on the safe side of the metaphor are a challenge. Donnie craves attention and he hates being mocked. This idea from Lester-and-Charlie deserves our support, especially from those of us with young children or grandchildren. #NoTrumpFriday


  22. Remember the Missisippi senate race is having a run off.
    Normally would just assume the thugs will steal this as well but after Doug Jone’s victory last year in neighboring aladamna some focus should be held on that election.
    By the way kudos so far for Senator Jones remembering who brought him to the dance.

  23. An interesting premise would be for a show/media/play based upon a parellell demented donnie except of color in the US.

    Maybe a Michael Moore production along the lines of what he was doing in his TV show the Awful Truth. (loved it when he used a landing craft to bring city kids to suburb beach restricted by parking and access laws)

    Have a actor of color portray a character, who like drumpf, is obese, loud mouthed and stupid go to different venues for “rally’s” shows and have him spout lying inanities and record thuglican’s reactions.
    maybe some gun shows?
    Maybe one of those “man on the street” bits that late night so enjoys.
    Have a pretenious obese Black, hispanic, middle eastern spout demented donnies exact words on video play it for some of the cult members and show their reactions.
    Ask simply about the policies/opinions expressed make no reference to the complexion of the person delivering scripr.
    Then circle around back to video of demented donnie’s presentation of the same exact words and compare reactions.
