Obviously, We Should Arm Everybody With a Developmental Disability

December 02, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Here we have another reason why we can’t discuss guns.


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0 Comments to “Obviously, We Should Arm Everybody With a Developmental Disability”

  1. JJ, was there supposed to be a link on this?

  2. e platypus onion says:

    Up to 20 people shot in San Bernadino Disabled Development Center by one or more gunmen.

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:


    [all deleted for Mama] The wing nut ammosexuals are trying to outdo each other with their crass and craven targets of innocents. Who the hell shoots at disabled people?

  4. Ralph Wiggam says:

    This is the NRA’s perfect world?

  5. After what Trump said about the reporter with a disability last week, we can only wait in terror for comments on this tragedy from the Republican Presidential candidates.

  6. So we can’t ban assault rifles and other automatic weapons because……….too many R-Klan members would lose big bucks from the NRA and gun manufacturers. If Sandy Hook didn’t do it, what in God’s name will?
    Trump’s mocking of a disabled journalist now seems even more reprehensible.

  7. TruelyTexan says:

    Well, I think it would be safe to say Trump can be held responsible for this one.


    Since the RWNJ do whatever their gods tell them, we can expect them to attack when “prompted”.

    Yes, I know it’s too soon to jump to conclusions about the shooter(s), but c’mon, when has it not been racist, conservative, xtian white guys seeking justice for their sad lot in life.

    @PKM Who shoots at disabled people? The same cowards that shoot school kids, black church-goers, women seeking medical help, unarmed black people, anyone they don’t agree with…

  8. JAKvirginia says:

    Another episode of “GunWeek”. Roll tape…

  9. @PKM

    Your question was asked and answered in that cinematic triumph Full Metal Jacket (1987), to wit:

    Private Joker: How can you shoot women or children?
    Door Gunner: Easy! Ya just don’t lead ’em so much!

    And so the world continues to turn.

  10. When these things happen again and again, I am torn between outrage and numbness. Not that I’m indifferent to the victims and their families and friends, but I just can’t go about in a permanent state of outrage, and that’s what it would be if I got upset at every new day’s mass shooting. If blasting away a bunch of six-year-olds and their teachers didn’t bring about an end to this bloodbath, I don’t know that anything will. What used to be a gun safety group has gone insane and been taken over by fanatics, and gun rights have more money and voters behind them than human rights in our country.

  11. e platypus onion says:

    Wingnuts dehumanize anyone they disagree with which makes it that much easier to kill on a massive scale.

    Second mass shooting today and 355th in 336 days this year.

  12. Hey hey NRA, how many people did guns kill today?

    The Republican party is awash in the blood on innocent Americans.

  13. To quote somebody else:

    “In any other country, this would be a tragedy. In America, it’s known as Wednesday.”

  14. Old Mayfly says:

    The last report I heard said 14 dead and 14 in the hospital–reporters didn’t know the extent of the injuries of those hospitalized. Have been taking a break from the coverage for an hour or so.

  15. Compassionate Conservatives….

  16. BarbinDC: I read that, too. It’s up to 1162 upvotes as of a few seconds ago. A man of few but heavy words.

  17. daChipster says:

    My god! What has happened to my country?

  18. Guardian article on how mass shootings in US have become more frequent and more deadly, even as support for gun control goes down:


    San Bernardino massacre is second mass killing today and 355th this year:


  19. Susan Yardley says:

    JAKvirginia: Correction: Another gun day. The days major news coverage is not present only means that it was not a “mass” shooting.

    SARCASM ALERT: Perhaps the NRA should start an online “Fantasy Shooting League” with statistics so you can gamble on when, where and what will be the next target. The by whom is a given – angry white male.

  20. So far, police have killed one suspect, wounded another and are searching in a residential neighborhood for the third.

  21. Karen Byrd says:

    Nothing will change until there is a mass shooting of GOP elected officials, presidential candidates or NRA headquarters.

  22. San Bernardino was joined by Houston, and Savannah, GA today. Trump and company released the Kraaken!

  23. Just keep repeating to the ammosexuals:

    This is the way you want things to happen!

    No laws means NO PEACE!

  24. Aggieland Liz says:

    Houston? Good lord NOW WHAT? And daChipster, I have been there since 2000 when Dubya was hustled into office. When I think what might have been…

  25. JAKvirginia says:

    Susan Yardley: You must be referring to that other show on FOX: GunNutDaily.

  26. @Aggieland Liz
    You stepped onto my favorite corn! Welcome aboard. I’ll not start at square 1 with you, I’ll go to the last square, which you have already claimed. I’ll add this: just look at what each has done/accomplished since President Obama ended those two terms of office in 2009. Bush 43 has built a library (make your own joke here) and “painted” (whatever that might mean) while Al Gore has engaged in environmentalism including using a position in VC firm Kleiner Perkins to further that agenda. PETA criticized him for not doing more and more. The guy can’t win. And 43 is Laura’s favorite vegetable and no one notices. Geeeesh!

  27. Aggieland Liz says:

    oh dear, Micr, and you hadn’t even asked me to dance! Clumsy Lizzie! And while the jokes seem to write themselves, those ba$..s STILL get the last laugh! All the way to the flippin bank, in fact!

  28. Aggieland Liz says:

    And, Micr, on that previous thread, was that SELLS women’s shoes or SMELLs women’s shoes?? For the record, I’d love to kick him in the chops, preferably while wearing my work boots!!

  29. My clients are disabled people.

    All I’ve got is particularly vile profanity.

  30. @Aggieland Liz
    The smells v. sells takes my perception of his perversion in a whole different direction. Thanks. I think.

  31. Rabblerouzzer says:

    San Bernardino is at the base of the mountains where I live. We were going to go to Costco this morning to pick up a Rx for our dog, and the scene of the shoot-out is on our route to get there.

    In fact, I drive those neighborhoods often because I take my spouse to the VA hospital in Redlands/Loma Linda which is about 5 miles the IRC. Since my spouse hates shopping in general and Costo lines particularly, I will run to Costco (a street or two south of the IRC) while she’s with her doctor, then I just pick her up at the hospital when I’m finished and we head back up the mountain.

    The Costco in San Bernardino would have taken three days to get the drug our pup needs, so they transferred the Rx to a store about 10 miles west. Guess the universe didn’t want us to get caught in all the crazy, because we would have been passing that building around the time the shooting started.

    From what I have heard in our local reporting, the conference center had been rented out by the San Bernardino County Health Department for their annual holiday party. One of the dead suspects has been identified as Syed Farook. The other dead suspect is a female, as yet unidentified. FBI, ATF, US Marshals, SB City, SB County Sheriffs, and the SWAT teams of surrounding cities all responded (San Bernardino City PD isn’t very big and the city itself is in bankruptcy).

    Reports suggest that at least one of the assailants had attended the party, then left, and returned in body armor with an assault rifle.

    After many years in law enforcement, I still am surprised when women participate willingly in acts of mass, senseless violence. Tally so far is 14 dead, 17 injured. And thousands of us within a 20-mile radius waiting for answers on who did this, and why. Because nobody ever believes it could happen where they live.

    That false sense of security took a hit today, too. Especially with the FBI not ruling out terrorism. Even our neighbors are a-twitter about it.

    Why would terrorists want to hit a county health department Christmas party? It seems more personal than a random act of violence. But the investigation moves forward, so we’ll see, after they get to the truth of it. If they do. And if authorities allow that information to be released to mere citizens (sometimes iffy with our county government.)

    San Bernardino is the largest County, area-wise, in the US. It’s also about the most severely Republican one in the state, maybe even rivaling Orange County.

    I can just hear the old Vietnam-era military veterans at our weekly small stakes poker game tomorrow, yacking about whether or not it qualifies as a terrorist attack. Since they only listen to Fox News, I’m sure I’ll get the whole scoop on the big ISIS conspiracy to murder people from our health department.

    They are all card-carrying members of the NRA, so I’m sure the debate about banning their assault weapons will be lively.

    I just hope I’m not forced to find another weekly game because I love taking the $10 they might otherwise send to the NRA, Alex Jones or, goddess forbid, Ted Cruz or Donald Trump.

  32. Ralph Wiggam says:

    In Ireland Sinn Féin is know as the political wing of the IRA.

    And now the Republicans are the political wing of the NRA.

  33. Linda Phipps says:

    Seems that the victims were employees of the facility, so perhaps they should have had their guns ready. Perfect accessories for a holiday party. This is unfolding to be much much worse, as I went to bed last night, it had been reported that one of the shooters was a woman so I had sadly concluded that the killers were Muslim. We still don’t know the motive, if it were two malcontents who had stockpiled guns and explosives plus the special clothing in anticipation of some kind of provocation. Further investigation will reveal if they were part of a cell. What I do envision is that every Islamophobe in the country will take this as permission to hit the streets with their penis extenders and kill anyone who “looks” Muslim. Unless this is nailed down, we can expect a republican president, and no Syrians.

  34. The male suspect had spent some time recently in Saudi Arabia where he managed to marry and return to the U.S. with his spouse who has since given birth to a child. The suspect was an American citizen and now so is his child. That said, I am thinking that he got to close to Wahhabism during his visit. This is exactly the source that inspired the 9/11 hijackers. There is no tolerance among that bunch. Think of it this way. They have no use for any of the American manifestations for celebrations such as Christmas or even St. Patrick’s Day. He could have been told earlier on that his attendance may have been required in some way at that holiday party and that really ticked him off into an insane response. I doubt his wife had any kind of say in this inasmuch as she was probably considered chattel. At least they left the baby with a grandmother but they even lied to her about their reason for her services. As a grandmother I take that lie even more stringently than mass murder. Never mess with a grandmother, no matter your damn politics. Grandmothers on this globe are more often the reason that the earth keeps turning, people are housed, fed, educated and so on. Mass murder and mistreatment of grandmother. Two totally mortal sins.

  35. Linda Phipps says:

    I pity the poor baby who had nothing to do with this but will carry that stigma.

    I still think that this entire tragedy can be turned back to the NRA and it’s Republican supporters. Syed was certainly unbalanced, but then, so are the Hatriots who believe shooting is the answer to just about everything. And to this day, I have not heard one report of liberals shooting up a Hobby Lobby or targeting someone in a Jesus is the Reason T-shirt.

  36. It makes me very very sad that whatever the reason for this senseless act, it was more important to this husband, this couple, than their baby daughter. That sort of sick and twisted mindset is more than I can comprehend.

  37. Annabelle Lee says:

    Igor Volsky has been tearing it up on Twitter, reporting how much money all the “thoughts and prayers” politicians have gotten from the NRA: https://twitter.com/igorvolsky

  38. Sen. Chris Murphy(D-Conn.) has put our feelings into words:
    “Congress’ silence in the face of this rash of mass shootings has become complicity.”

    In response to all the hypocritical “thoughts and prayers of Republican leaders he says:
    “Your thoughts should be about taking steps to stop the carnage.
    Your prayers should be for forgiveness if you do nothing.”

  39. e platypus onion says:

    Wasn’t Loma Linda where them school kids and bus were kidnapped and buried waiting for the ransom about 30 or more years ago?

  40. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Yesterday, I had to stay totally away from the TV and internet, or I would have written something to my Congress Varmints that probably would have inspired a visit from the FBI or something.

    Today, when my thoughts are a bit more gathered, I will contact the slackers. For starters, President Obama needs to call them out as the worst Congress in US history. Then demand they have legislation on his desk by Friday. Those who cannot handle the task need to be contacted by their constituents with a demand for their resignations.

    Enough already with being the Somalia of the West. Stop selling military style rifles that are designed to kill and maim people. As for any already in circulation, give them up, boys. Or the consequences should be a stiff prison term for any one strutting them in public.

  41. Susan on the Left Coast says:

    A gun marketing company called the Social Responsibility Network <— Make. It. Stop. They now have a shopping network cued up for those who wake up at 1:00AM from night terrors and/or their appointments to receive messages from their neighbor's dog.

    They will be able to order that new gun smell while bunkered under their blanket. The Socially Responsible channel will ship from Sports South, a Louisiana gun dealer to their bug-eyed boob tube watching insomniacs. Some annoying rules apply….for now.


  42. Susan on the Left Coast says:

    A gun marketing company called the Social Responsibility Network <— Make. It. Stop….but I digress. They now have a shopping network cued up for those who wake up at 1:00AM for their appointments to receive messages from their talking donkey.

    They will be able to order that new gun smell while bunkered under their blanket. The Socially Responsible channel will ship from Sports South, a Louisiana gun dealer to their bug-eyed boob tube watching insomniacs. Some mini-YUUUGE annoying rules apply….for now.


  43. Ellen Childress says:

    I agree with much of this. I live in the “wild, wild west” anyhow because I live in Texas. But do we have to try to outdo the middle east for violence, death, and destruction?
    Where is Franklin Roosevelt when we need him? “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself !” I refuse to be frightened.Especially when so many of the people who are trying to frighten me are my own fellow citizens !I thought we had become a better nation. I thought Jim Crow, the KKK, crooks with pistols on their hips, hill billies with long guns roaming the countryside, slithery things that live under rocks in river bottoms, maniacs, monsters, . . . . this is going downhill . . . . were fewer in our culture. Obviously I was very wrong ! Worse than that, some of them are our governors, political representatives, and neighbors !

  44. When Australia confiscated all their guns, violent deaths almost disappeared. The second amendment wording is about a well-regulated militia, not everybody packing heat.

  45. At last we have some genuine terrorism…
    It’s about time we had one with a funny foreign sounding name that might be mooslim or the person might have a tint of brown in their skin….

    All these lone wolves beeing good ol Murican flag waving boys like Dylan Roof or Robert Dear was getting old….

  46. JAKvirginia says:

    Blah, blah, blah, Second Amendment. STOP! That amendment states that citizens
    have the right to KEEP and BEAR arms. There is absolutely nothing there about USING them. YES… this country can regulate how guns are USED just like we regulate how cars are USED. (Driver’s License = User’s Permit. Remember?) This will end when the sane people stop being pushed around by the NRA and others.

  47. Lunargent says:

    I. Hate. ALL. Extremists.

    The flavor of ideology doesn’t matter. It’s all made of Death.

  48. Ellen, that’s a very good comment.

    I’ve never bought in to American Exceptionalism, and those crazy wingnuts are shredding their myth faster every moment.

  49. I think it was the site of the shooting that really, really got to me more so than any of the other more recent ones such as the Planned Parenthood incident. I have a handicapped member of the family back home. There is an organization back there that helped her immensely be a full time working and tax paying citizen. That was like 50 years ago at least. Those dedicated helpful people have always been high on my list of what I am grateful for.

