Nut Job Commits A Felony To Avoid Filing Reports That Would Reveal He’s A Nut Job
Please meet Congressfool Mark Meadows from North Carolina. He’s a nut job. He’s also chairman of the Freedom Caucus. I do not know which came first – the nut or the caucus. It’s one of those chicken and egg things.
Meadows believes that dinosaurs and Jesus had a relationship. Yep, he’s a creationist and has been dabbling in real estate where dinosaur bones have been found.
Three years ago, the North Carolina congressman Mark Meadows sold a hundred-and-thirty-four-acre property in Dinosaur, Colorado. The buyer was Answers in Genesis, a Christian nonprofit based in Kentucky, which was founded by the Australian creationist Ken Ham. Answers in Genesis is dedicated to promoting young-Earth creationism, which holds that the Earth was created in six days, several thousand years ago.
The selling price was about $200,000, which does not seem extraordinary. However, Meadows did not claim the extra income on his congressional financial disclosure. He’s a three term senator. He knows the rules. This wasn’t an accident or ignorance.
Public Citizen has filed a request for an investigation and includes this ..
Public Citizen further requests that the Clerk of the House investigate whether Meadows has a history of failing to report his investments and transactions. According to Brett Kappel, a campaign finance lawyer quoted in the news story, “[t]here appear to have been multiple reporting violations that occurred over a long period of time” by Meadows.
Oops – one cover-up can unearth a lot of problems.
Well, I don’t know what I expected differently. He’s one of Trump’s closest allies in congress. And, you know about that swamp thing Trump’s got going.
Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.