Notre Dame Faculty Turns the Tables on RW Group
A group of RWNJs called Turning Point USA has started naming professors with whom they disagree on a list called the Professor Watchlist. By naming them, the group is attempting to silence faculty who they deem to be advancing a “leftist” agenda. I know, another stupid idea by the Thought Police who oppose critical thinking.
Recently, the group named two Notre Dame professors to the list. One is philosophy professor Gary Gutting, who has studied US gun laws. The other is Iris Outlaw, director of Multicultural Student Programs, who taught a seminar on white privilege.
The Notre Dame faculty turned the tables on the conservative group, though, by sending a letter signed by over 100 academics requesting to be added to the list. In the open letter to Turning Point USA, they said that because Gutting and Outlaw are on the list, that’s the “company we want to keep”.
Bright lights always cause cockroaches to run for the dark corners.