Notre Dame Faculty Turns the Tables on RW Group

December 09, 2016 By: El Jefe Category: White Hats

Touchdown Jesus

Touchdown Jesus

A group of RWNJs called Turning Point USA has started naming professors with whom they disagree on a list called the Professor Watchlist.  By naming them, the group is attempting to silence faculty who they deem to be advancing a “leftist” agenda.  I know, another stupid idea by the Thought Police who oppose critical thinking.

Recently, the group named two Notre Dame professors to the list.  One is philosophy professor Gary Gutting, who has studied US gun laws.  The other is Iris Outlaw, director of Multicultural Student Programs, who taught a seminar on white privilege.

The Notre Dame faculty turned the tables on the conservative group, though, by sending a letter signed by over 100 academics requesting to be added to the list.  In the open letter to Turning Point USA, they said that because Gutting and Outlaw are on the list, that’s the “company we want to keep”.

Bright lights always cause cockroaches to run for the dark corners.

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0 Comments to “Notre Dame Faculty Turns the Tables on RW Group”

  1. This is great!

  2. e platypus onion says:

    Why do right wing nut jobs feel the need to attempt to divide every institution in America into left and right components. These institutions work in harmony and really don’t need the aggravations, do they? Students will be the ultimate casualties in these pissy little games wingnuts play.

    As for Betsy DeVos twenty year reign of charter schools in Michigan is proving, she is on the wrong track and her idea of schools is causing students to lag behind other states public schools.

  3. daChipster says:

    So proud of my old school Shakin’ Down the Thunder! What though the odds be great or small, old Notre Dame will win over all.

  4. e platypus onion says:

    Question for Primo, Juanita Jean and el Jefe- what if some liberal posted that Drumpf’s Grandchildren of Ivanka’s were bloodtested and found to have been fathered by their grandfather. Whether it was true or not and considering the present state of affairs where wingnuts feel free to post total lies about HRC and Obama, is it fair play? I am not asking if it is acceptable. Most liberals would recoil in disgust, but the reality is this is what we will face if we don’t fight back. Any opinions?

  5. @epo: Rather than using the fake news to go after Trump family individuals….how about using fake news to sow discord between Trump allies…. For example, a story about how Trump confided that he thinks evangelicals are really made up of immigrants seeking asylum. Or, that Flynn really believes in universal conscription for ages 18-20. Or….you get the idea.

  6. OH, shucks! Remember some years ago when it was found that old J. Edgar was keeping the same kind of thing and anybody who was anybody or even wanted to be anybody openly fought to get on it and then publicized how glad they were to make the grade! This is tantamount to laughing at the dictator. The closest humans have come to that in recent years is when somebody derisively whistled at an open air “required” public assembly and Coucesceau and his missus went down in flames.

  7. Wait until Turning Point USA realizes that their shame list is really a prestigious mark,and start *selling* spots!

  8. Fred Farklestone says:

    Contact Turning Point here!

  9. @EPO
    That’s right out of LBJ’s play book.
    “Legend has it that LBJ, in one of his early congressional campaigns, told one of his aides to spread the story that Johnson’s opponent f*cked pigs. The aide responded ‘Christ, Lyndon, we can’t call the guy a pig f*cker. It isn’t true.’ To which LBJ supposedly replied ‘Of course it ain’t true, but I want to make the son-of-a-bitch deny it.'”

    If you’re denying you’r losing.

  10. Mark Schlemmer says:

    TurningPointUSA = TPUSA (on their website) = Toilet Paper USA

    which is about Right. Fifth Columnists for Trumpistan.

  11. There was a story about this list on Boing Boing. I went to the link to see if any professors from my Alma Mater (The University of Delaware – same as Joe Biden!) were on it. The page took FOREVER to come up and the search function is LAME. Adding 100 names to the list just might kill whatever hamster they have running their database.

  12. JAKvirginia says:

    epo: Shame on you. Big false equivalency going on there. Your Ivanka scenario, if true, is news. If false, hardly different than what Alex Jones cooks up. Any attempt to say “unfair” is a case of pot-meet-kettle.

    Possibly more to say after the break….

  13. Aggieland Liz says:

    Gosh y’all, reviewing the cabinet picks – isn’t the truth bad enough? Not only that, if you started a whisper campaign that Trump porks pigs, his damn fan club would all run down to the local stock sale barn and buy some too! We can’t really fight this plague, we are just gonna have to ride it out!

  14. JAKvirginia says:

    epo: Okay, I’m back.

    Over at joemygod, he’s got a story of how Alex Jones is now distancing himself from a video he made where he states “Hillary Clinton has personally murdered and chopped up and raped” children. AJ has deleted the video from his site apparently unfamiliar with The Google where it still lives.

    Remember Donnie said he would change the libel and slander laws to go after people like Alex? Remember Donnie threatening to sue the NYT? Well, Hillary is now Private Citizen Hillary. What she had to endure as a presidential candidate doesn’t apply now. She should sue his ass BIG TIME! Remember Hulk Hogan and Gawker?

    THIS is what tees me off about Dems. Just letting it “roll off our backs” or “going high”. Do that and the lie persists and the liars win. Sue him up the butt so hard to SHUT HIM DOWN! NO. NO apologies. NO retractions. SHUT HIS BUTT DOWN!

    And that’s my rant for the day because we all know that won’t happen.

    “Weak as water! Weak as water!”
    — Mrs. Slocombe in “Are You Being Served?”

  15. e platypus onion says:

    Jones is also saying he was just kidding when he said SandyHook slaughter was a hoax. He is still scum. He deserves all the bad stuff that happens to him, but until he gets shut down, we need to fight fire with fire. They don’t care who gets hurt if it helps their political objectives. Dems need to be the same and worse.

  16. And here I thought Turning Point was a ballet movie. Was that Turning Pointe?

  17. We don’t need to make up ANYTHING. Like Liz says, the truth is plenty putrid enough. The only problem is getting it to penetrate the brainwashed fog of the Trumpites. Or even more difficult, rousing the non-voting half of the population from their torpor, and convincing them that this crap is SERIOUS. And it needs to be dealt with NOW.

    We don’t lack for message, only for method.
