Not The Onion…

February 24, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Climate

The White House has announced that Trump is setting up an ad hoc panel of “scientists” to argue against scientific consensus on climate change.  Of course, actual scientists know that science doesn’t work that way – first you study and test hypotheses before you come to a conclusion…not the other way around.  Apparently, the panel is deemed “ad hoc” in order to skirt transparency regulations about advisory panels.  It figures.

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0 Comments to “Not The Onion…”

  1. Ad hocy is the term, Miz Susan.

  2. And in other news, the White House has announced the panel to study the necessity of hen house doors will be headed by a fox.

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    “Ad hokey hocus pocus.” Donnie doesn’t speak Latin. That’s his covfefe for “as the seas rise, only I can part them.” His plan for when Merde duh Lardhole goes under water is probably Marco Rubio guzzling water while the Outlaw Jersey Whale rolls sideways into the bayou to stop the tide.

  4. Trump will claim that the real reason sea levels are rising is due to Hillary dumping all her e-mails into the Atlantic. Oh, and socialism.

  5. They all got their degrees from Trump university so we know they are well versed in lying.

  6. Lyra: “Whats the Magisterium for?”

    Mrs. Coulter: “The Magisterium is what people need. It keeps things working by telling people what to do.”

    “…Some people know whats best for them and some people don’t.”

    – The Golden Compass

    Coming to a fascist world government near you.

  7. WA Skeptic says:

    It’s a trap!! They want us all to stop paying attention to what they are doing because it’s so stupid, then they’ll REALLY screw things up.

  8. And if the ad hoc scientists prove to be wrong, a panel of Old Testament religious experts can quickly convene so plans for a fleet of arks can be drawn up, then constructed before the rising seas inundate humanity.

    With onboard coal powered air conditioning.

  9. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Speaking of socialism, have you seen what your less-disgusting senator is doing?

  10. Was looking at this issue, here’s some links to the Fourth National Climate Assessment report (below).

    Gathered from many scientific sources, with input from many US government agencies.
    The MAGAots hate stuff like this.
    But things like this are just another example of how the Dems really F’ed Up in the 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016 elections. These Nazis got a secure foothold (decennial/2010) and can do tremendous damage in a short time, because they are ALWAYS focused on ‘the plan’.
    The Dems are always unfocused, fuzzy, distracted, ready to pull the old ‘crabs in a bucket’ routine on one another.
    Meanwhile the Trumpanzees are literally trying to destroy the world, and getting away with it. Despite the Dems finally regaining a little power in the House, the ‘plan’ marches on, hordes of RAT45 minions slaving away from the bottom to the SCOTUS, rotting our nation away day by day.
    Something like Mueller’s investigation stopping it, or Pelosi really pulling it out, has to happen. Before it really is too late.

  11. No worse then doddering donnie letting his paid up “friends” from his florida ptomaine palace run the VA

  12. I think we have herd form anti-climate change “scientists” before. These are mostly people some of whom may even have degrees but frankly have decided not to do the work. The beltway to prove totem that the climate is changing, and fast,is to put them on an ice shield in the Arctic with all the necessary provisions and check back on them after a time to see if the ice and they are still there.

  13. Lysenkoism is alive and well in the Trump administration.

  14. The ad hoc scientific panel on the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center was just sitting on its thumbs and spinning. So they had to be re-purposed to get attention again.

  15. AlanInAustin ... says:

    Final report starts with these immortal words:

    “Assume a spherical glacier of radius ‘r’ at a distance ‘d’ from the ozone layer…”

  16. Every climate “scientist” who doesn’t “believe” in climate change will be racing to get on this gravy train, so that will be (scraping the bottom of the barrel) all three actual climatologists with their heads up their butts and an assortment of other fools who know diddlysquat about climate but can mouth some buzzwords for the cameras. More excuses to delay action until it’s too late.
