Not That Jan Brewer is Prone to Overstatement, But ….
I used to believe that Republican girls (there are no Republican women, there are only Republican girls no matter what their age) saw things in only black and white, but it’s gotten worse that that. Now they only see things in neon. Flashing neon.
Seriously. Jan Brewer.
First off, she thinks that Arizona won yesterday. That’s true. Arizona did win, but Jan Brewer and her tea party thugs lost big time. The court struck down three of the four provisions and said the fourth provision was subject to being overturned at the state level. That means Jan is batting .225, there are no players on base, it’s the bottom of the ninth, there’s two outs, you’re behind 3 to 0, and the other team is paying the ump.
So, Jan retreats to her usual position – delusion. On John King last night, Brewer accused the Justice Department of throwing bombs at Arizona.
Immigration is a federal duty. The Justice Department enters into agreements with local law enforcement to help them enforce immigration laws. After the ruling yesterday, the Justice Department rescinded their agreement with Arizona because they have no reason to trust Jan Brewer to follow the orders of the Supreme Court.
Let this be a lesson to all: do not shake your boney old finger in the President’s face.
So, Jan does what Jan does. She goes hyperbole. She tells John King ….
And immediately, three hours after the decision was made, then they arbitrarily single out Arizona and sent a bomb, if you will, across our bow and made Arizona once again a target. The people of America ought to be outraged. This is absolutely an assault.
Jan, Babe, shooting yourself in the foot is not an assault. Shooting off your mouth, looking like a fool? Also not an assault. Bombing on national teevee? Not an assault.
Claiming yourself a victim when your problems are your own making? Kinda an assault on human dignity. So, that’s close, but still no cigar.
Thanks to David for the heads up.