Not Satisfied with Laying Waste to Common Decency, Trump Co-Opts the Most Important US Holiday
Since his first day infesting the WH, Trump has been trying to produce a militaristic super duper patriotic ceremony to celebrate…himself. The Pentagon succeeded in shutting down his Soviet style military parade last year, but now he’s decided to co-opt the most American of American holidays and make it about himself. The National Park Service has announced that, at Trump’s order, they are turning a traditional non-partisan event of American music and fireworks into an event centered on His Orangeness, including giving a speech in front of the Lincoln Memorial, and rearranging the entire holiday celebration to put himself in the middle of it.
My response to Trump trying to take over OUR HOLIDAY to make it about himself? Fuck you. I refuse to participate in any way, not even turning on my television for it. Enough of this nonsense is enough. He’s turned the entire US government into a reality television show starring him, his criminal cronies, and his entire fucking family. I’m sick of it. Congress needs to stop this narcissistic asshole in his tracks, get him out of office, and then return our government to some level of normalcy.
For God’s sake, I want my country back from insanity and cheesy reality television.