Global Embarrassment

June 06, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

Today, at the burial site of 9,388 American heroes on a bluff overlooking Omaha Beach, Donald Trump read a speech clearly written by a staffer about the bravery of all those who lived and died on Normandy’s beaches on June 6, 1944 and thereafter.  The bar for Trump is now so low that if he gets through a speech without dropping his pants and wiggling Little Donald at the audience, it’s considered “a major success” and “very presidential”.  He was simply awful, intoning his speechwriter’s words in the cadence of that old Catholic priest droning through the liturgy, just trying to get through one more mass before he drops dead behind the altar and goes to claim that big reward in the sky.  The media gave him props; personally I was having to resist to not destroy my 58″ Samsung flatpanel with my 12 gauge.

The most disgusting event today, though, was Trump’s unbelievably insensitive behavior during this entire event.  From tweeting insults at Bette Midler last night to trashing Robert Mueller and Nancy Pelosi on Fox Noise during an interview ON THE SITE OF THE NORMANDY CEMETERY. Trump embarrassed all Americans, especially in context to his childish behavior and comments to Fox Noise on live television.

Once again, Trump makes the Americans looks like a band of idiots; he’s become a global embarrassment to all of us.



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0 Comments to “Global Embarrassment”

  1. fenway fran says:

    I have no words. You’ve just said it all.

  2. twocrows says:

    Today, I watched a PBS special of 3 episodes about Greek’s democracy. Till now, I hadn’t realized it only lasted 170 years.

    At the end of the last program, the narrator said that Rome picked up the mantel — enfolding much of the Greeks’ culture in the process.

    So, I checked:
    Rome’s republic lasted about 480 years.

    At the rate we’re going, it looks as if we might last about half as long as Rome [from 1780 – 2020] and, like both Greek and Rome — destroy our own system from within.

    Okey dokey, then. The Greek’s system was the very first one on the planet — so they didn’t know the pitfalls. The Romans bested their time by more than 310 years.

    You’d think we’d have learned something from their failures and do a better job than those two ancients did, wouldn’t you?
    Well, no.
    We’re on target to beat the Greeks by only about 60 years — and miss the bloodthirsty Romans’ pace by half.

    Gee thanks, Trump/McConnell Juggernaut. You beat us.
    The US is in for its very own Dark Age.

  3. ‘Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.’
    George Santayana

  4. If Darwin is right, then why does Trump still exist?

  5. Thankfully Trump didn’t go off script, claiming the D in D-Day stood for Donald and that’s why he was in attendance.

    If I may El Jefe:

    From this day to the ending of the world,
    But we in it shall be remember’d;
    (as fools)
    We few, we (slap)-happy few, we band of idiots;
    (Inexplicably reading speeches for fallen heroes)

  6. Sandridge says:

    I avoided all but a few news program snippets of the disgusting, grifting, treasonous Comrade Bonespurs [and Pence too] today. Good thing, might have lost my 24″ Samsung TV too.

    My family has many who served, on this day I always remember one uncle [or cousin] who was a paratrooper who jumped behind the Normandy beaches before the landings began.
    He and my dad would visit often, talking quietly, sometimes about the War. I was too young to pick up much, but I knew he had been through hell and survived, with some damage. [And even then many of the family elders spoke German amongst themselves.]
    One can barely imagine now what jumping or landing into that maelstrom of Nazi weaponry was like [even if you’ve felt hostile fire, little compares with Rommel’s defenses, even if German ‘mistakes were made’].

    Now the same twisted Nazi-like ideology is rising again, and not just in our nation. While some of it’s proponents profaned that hallowed Normandy ground today.

  7. Jefe, I saw a little bit of it live yesterday morning getting ready for work.
    I was struck by how reverent he came across, with those D-Day veterans sitting behind him.
    And established his spot with the crosses behind him on the Fox News Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda
    So he he could utilize that image hours later to reinforce his attack on Robert Mueller. With the same crosses in the background.

  8. twocrows@2:
    Nail on head. History repeats itself.

  9. Sandridge says:

    Wait until y’all read what else this SOBOTUS did [fortify yourself before looking at his NPD desecration of what is meant to be an historical document]:

  10. Linda Phipps says:

    The debacle on D Day is embarrassing enough, just fasten your seat belts for July 4, when Trump proposes to shift the national celebration away from the Mall and on to the Lincoln Memorial: and I presume be all about him. Ronna Romney McDaniel has just asserted that if you don’t agree that D-Day is all about Donald you are not patriotic. I feel that if you are OK about that, you are “…idiotic”.

  11. Found this in my email:

    The Queen and Trump are at a state dinner. The Queen proposes a toast to D-Day, to which Trump responds, “Let’s not bring up my grades.”

  12. D-Day 2019.
    It wasn’t raining.
    The temperature was mild and comfortable.
    Trump showed up, how presidential.

  13. Arakasi says:

    And let’s not forget the Donald’s words to the Irish Taoiseach:

    ” I think it will all work out very well, and also for you with your wall, your border, I mean, we have a border situation in the United States, and you have one over here. But I hear it’s going to work out very well here.”

  14. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Canada, if you’re listening…can I buy one of your passports?

  15. As I said once before, he checks all the boxes for the diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenic.
