Not No, But Hell, No

January 13, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Border Catastrophe, Trump, Trumpists

Last Thursday, during the photo op on the border with His Orangeness, Dan Patrick offered Texas taxpayers’ money to build his idiotic wall.  That’s right, folks – the most powerful man in Texas offered the most powerful man on the planet OUR money to build HIS wall – and pay us back later.  We can’t afford to fund schools and teachers, but we have enough money for this kind of folly.  Swell.

This is what happens when Americans are so goddam stupid that they elected a hate radio screamer and a cheesy reality television star to high office.


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0 Comments to “Not No, But Hell, No”

  1. SteveTheReturned says:

    I remember Dan Patrick from his Limbaugh wannabe days. Hell, I remember him from his days of self-humiliation as a Houston TV personality. He’s a self-described theocrat, and he’s now attached to trump’s foul being like a malignant growth. The next dog turd you come across is more worthy of respect and of holding public office.

  2. Sandridge, what does your acronym stand for?

  3. djw, It’s not mine, it’s a widely used one now; you can even get buttons and bumperstickers with it.
    It long predates the Dem Rep saying it at a victory party.
    It stands for””ImpeachTheMotherFockerAlready”, or as I used it here, MFs in the plural. :]

  4. slipstream says:

    And when Trump tells you that Mexico will pay for the wall, he means that bygawd Texas will pay for the wall.

  5. If Patrick does move on this idea and Abbott et al. agree with him, wouldn’t it be time for Texans to sue them?

  6. Jane & PKM says:

    “Generous” to a snacilbupeR is synonymous with “some other sucker’s money.” Sucker=taxpayer to a Republican. They follow the Dotard45 self dealing charity model.

    Meanwhile, Donnie’s government shutdown continues, dampens the economy, causes financial strain and pain to civil servants, and ultimately we the taxpayers will receive another giant bill for services not rendered.

    Any Kentucky residents and/or voters reading here? Until Old Scratch McConnell personally feels the political pain, he’ll dig in to protect Donnie’s tiny little sputniks. Or, until enough snacilbupeR senators jam (Susan Collins doesn’t count) into his office, the turtle will remain in his shell.

  7. Dan Patrick is another GOP fool, but he is ours fool, and that is bonus troubling. For waaay too long he has been practicing his racist gluttony across Texas with impunity. And it is time for his ilk to face their political demise.

    I have offered to go to S. Carolina to walk doors against Lindsey Graham, but would also consider doing almost anything legal to help find a reversal of fortunes here, deep in the heart of Tejas.

    He and Greg Abbott are haughty to a fault about their ownership of politics in the lone party state, but it needs to end.

    Beto’s candidacy can be instrumental, but it’ll take some good folk to contest Patrick and Abbott and ease them off into a Chihuahuan Desert sunset.

  8. Why don’t Republicans pay for the wall?
    Add up the number of registered Republicans.
    Divide by $5 billion.

    When Republican voters arrive at the polling station for the next election, they can each contribute $160 toward the wall before they vote. It’s not a poll tax. It’s not voter suppression. It’s putting your money where your mouth is.

  9. The sitting president received ~62,984,828, some 46%, of the popular vote in 2016. So if each one of these fools kicked in $79.38419 (5,000,000,000/62,984,828) THEY could fund the Wall they so desperately want. Seems like a small price to pay for cult membership. And leave the rest of us ALONE.

    Of course, I don’t want a damn wall like that any where in Texas. I took each of my kids at 12ish floating down the big river and in particular we visited Santa Elena canyon in Big Bend NP. I now have a herd of grands, with the oldest ones hitting 12ish in just four short years. A wall would royally screw those trips and memories.

  10. First he “borrows” several billion. Then he stiffs you like any of his contractors. When you sue he signs Texas back to Mexico. Then he sends Huckabuck out to tell the press that Mexico has now paid for the Wall. More winning!

  11. The obvious solution is just sitting there in front of every sports fan in America when they turn on their teevees: corporate sponsorship! Make it the Border SCREEN, and sell naming & ads rights. A million per mile per month, lessee, thats 2,000 miles times a million, times 12, um, yup! that’s $24B in one year Done!!

    There’ll be the Oracle Mile, the Pillsbury Mile, the Trojan Mile, the Purina Mile, the Edsel Mile, the Lego Mile, OMG all the miles, all the millions, all the moneys!!

    (PS I’m in SF, where AT&T Park just became Oracle Park, to the tune of something like $300-400M over next 20 yrs)

  12. Jane & PKM says:

    LLess, what you describe @11, might be Dotard45’s first actual win for the country. j/k Still burned that Beto didn’t win to rid us of Teddie Crooze.

    Daniel, ousting Graham would be great. As would ridding the Senate of Cornyn and several others for a 2020 sweep. As fans of the Howard Dean 50 state strategy and as we learned in 2018, that requires candidates. Who’s available in SC, TX and some of the other red states? Now is a good time to throw support to all of them for 2020.

  13. rsginsf-
    You may be on to something, with corporate sponsorship. Trump himself could get the ball rolling with a few miles of Trump Steaks, Trump Wine, Trump University, Trump Hotels, Trump Golf, Trump Charities…

    Now admittedly, most of these would be more like memorials rather than promotion for active businesses. But somewhere in there he could squeeze a few feet for the Trump Library, which doesn’t need to be much more than some blocks or slats, or poles with a sign on it CLOSED FOR AUDIT. SSSHHH! QUIET!

  14. Rsginsf. And the Supremes could wear their sponsors logo like NASCAR

  15. Maybe what Patrick means is that he’s willing to start the seizure of border property in the name of Texas, and will transfer that to the Feds later.

    Yeah, something small government like that…

  16. Will Gov. Patrick also give the Rio Grande completely to Mexico? You know, all the land on the south side of the fence. The Wall can’t be built in the middle of the river.
