Holy Crap: The Baptists Are Preaching Again.

January 14, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so Robert Jeffers, the permanently drunk preacher at the mega-First Baptist Church of Dallas is plenty pissed off at you liberals. You, yes you, are doing everything you can to deprive Donald Trump his beautiful wall.

“By opposing this president and his desire to build a wall around our border, I believe the Democrats are morally liable for the death of children, the assault of women, of the humanitarian crisis we’re seeing at the border right now,” he said.

Kinda makes you wonder who created that humanitarian crisis, doesn’t it?  I’m certain that Hillary had something to do with it but Jeffers was too polite to go into detail.

He did, however, offer this addition to the Beatitudes.

“The Bible says even heaven itself is going to have a wall around it,” he said. “Not everybody is going to be allowed in.”

I dunno. I can recall Joshua having a little opinion about that in Jericho.

And, God bless his drunk soul, Jeffers provides defense for Trump keeping the government shut down.  Prepare yourself for this one.

“So many people today are upset about government workers not receiving paychecks,” he said. “I understand that, but when the president took the oath of office, it was not the office of paymaster of the United States making sure everybody got their checks on time.”

Actually Jeffers, that is literally his job. He is supposed to do that. Truly, Jeffers, look it up.

Reality had a flat tire on Sunday morning and never made it to First Baptist Church Dallas.


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0 Comments to “Holy Crap: The Baptists Are Preaching Again.”

  1. Linda Phipps says:

    If Jesus promises to rapture this lunatic, and all his equally pro Trump cohorts, I promise to start believing again.

  2. Nope,nope.

    Jeffers, it’s the GOP not the Democrats that:

    Deprive little children of food, medical care, seperate them from their families who want asylum and jail them.

    It’s the GOP who want to keep women barefoot and pregnant over a stove at home (unless you’re one of their mistresses, then it free abortions even if you don’t want one.)

    It ain’t Dems that wanted a wall and would call a Nat’l Emergency to get it.

    I don’t know if heaven has a wall, but sure hope HELL does to hold all of the craven, traitorous GOP.

  3. This is just one more reason why the number of church goers is falling!

  4. Jeffers doesn’t know his bible. A few lines after mentioning the wall around the New Jerusalem, the Revelation to John says: “On no day will its gates ever be shut, for there will be no night there.” And as for the strict vetting? Jesus lays out the parameters in Matthew 25: 31-46. Read it for yourself; it excludes both Jeffers and Trump from Heaven.


  5. Those dimwitted maga-churches have tons of money, have them pay for the worthless useless wall!

  6. This is so clearly a violation of church and state ideals. If the church preaches politics that church should pay taxes!

  7. Chloe Bear says:

    Oh how they ignore silly facts like Jesus was a radical, liberal, Jewish Rabbi and dark skinned who would have welcomed and fed the people not built a wall to keep them out.

  8. slipstream says:

    Idiot doesn’t know the Bible. Yes, Revelation 21 says there will be a very thick, big, beautiful wall around God’s city. Wall made of jaspar, foundation decorated with precious gems.

    But it also says there will be twelve big beautiful gates through that wall, three gates facing east, three gates facing north, three gates facing west, and three gates facing south, so that everyone may enter. See Revelation 21:13.


    Read Revelation 21:26, you idiot. And let’s throw open our gates.

  9. They did not hold Jeffers under near long enough, at his baptism.

  10. That Other Jean says:

    Liberal who is opposing the president’s desire to build a wall around our border? Guilty as charged. The rest of your little rant, Pastor Jeffers, is the purest possible projection, though. You might want to have another look at your Bible.

  11. I’m snowed in and you all are making me laugh out loud–especially Cole @9!


  12. So.

    If I’m understanding people’s recitations of Revelation 21:26, the wall is ornamental only.

    Not quite Hair Furor’s version of the beautiful wall…

  13. As long as the Wall With Mexico is like The Wall Around Heaven and we pay for it by being good, or bad, I’m all for it.

  14. Jeffers – and tRump – make it REALLY hard to be a Unitarian Universalist. You see, the Universalist part of my religion has its roots in Universalism, the belief in Universal salvation: There is no Hell and everyone goes to heaven.

    Heaven has no wall, you jerk.


  15. There are many things I’d like to say about this jackwagon and about megachurches and organized religion in general, but Cole at #9 has pretty much summed it up. Thank you, Cole. Everything else would not be mama-safe.

    I could add, let’s have this moron work for a month with no pay and see how he likes it.

  16. Grandma Ada says:

    How ironic that the President with no membership in a Christian church is almost worshipped by evangelical Christians.

  17. Malarkey-
    Heaven has no wall?
    Come on!
    Don’t you remember in Sunday School learning about St. Peter on top of the Pearly Wall?

  18. Jane & PKM says:

    Flipping idiot Jeffers is nearly as st00pid as the ***king moron. The great bureaucracy of dedicated civil servants runs just fine. Had Dotard45 not chosen to throw a tantrum and shut down the government, they would have been paid and services would have continued uninterrupted. But no, Orange Foolius had to act st00pid and “fix” what wasn’t broken.

    Please Team Mueller write your report so Congress can wrap Donnie up in it like the rotting fish that he is.

  19. oldymoldy says:

    Talk about “sad!”

  20. I have made a promise never to enter the doors of a Baptist Church ever again! I spent 4 years in one because my friends promised me a new Preacher would change things.

    You can not change the make up of Church members by changing a Pastor.

    Now in a Church that teaches the words of Jesus, but Religion is killing itself with excesses, like that Mega Preacher.

  21. Why are Baptists so afraid of liberals? Demcrats? My parents tried to turn me Baptist but failed. I think I now know why. Now before I am hung high – I know some who are wonderful people, but these leaders (and we have one right here is Space City) are really out there.

  22. Sidney Perkins says:

    I didn’t hear the little twerp complain over the people in Puerto Rico dying like flies. He has his nose so far up dotard’s butt he can’t even see what really matters.
