North Carolina Republicans Override a Budget Veto While Dems are at a 9/11 Memorial

September 11, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Uncategorized

I thought I had seen the lowest of the lows, but Republicans continue to shatter the floor for dishonesty.  Today, while North Carolina Democrats were at a 9/11 memorial ceremony,  Republicans pulled a fast one and held a rush vote to override Democratic Governor Roy Cooper’s veto of the Republican budget bill.  The Repubs have been trying to override the veto for 2 months, but couldn’t get the 3/5 majority.  Earlier, Republican chairman of the rules committee, David Lewis, lied to Democratic leader Darren Lewis that there would be no votes while the Democratic caucus was at the 9/11 ceremony.  As soon as they left, he held the vote and rammed through the vote, overriding Cooper’s veto.  Democratic Rep. Deb Butler shouted her objection and Repub Speaker Tim Moore tried to have her arrested.

They can’t win by the rules anymore, so they just break them.

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0 Comments to “North Carolina Republicans Override a Budget Veto While Dems are at a 9/11 Memorial”

  1. Lie. Cheat. Steal. The Republican playbook in three words.

  2. The Repukes have set the bar so low they had to use a trenching machine to place it.

  3. Why are you surprised?
    The virginia thugs did the same thing but I beleive on Martin Luther King day when African american State Senator were at a ceremony.

    Or another case where a committee waited until the lone d ( to protest requiring that proper procedure be followed) got up to go to washroom while in a marathon session.

    If it worked once why not again. Lesson that D’s must learn is that thugs are not to be trusted on anything.

    Granted in that case there were suggestions that the specific d state senator was not that outraged since there appeared to be some sort of pay off ( i.e. relative got nice state job, State senator got appointed to s state board with a generous sinecure, new district favored him???)

    So much for bidens delusions of “working” with the thugs.

  4. Does anyone have *any* memory of Dems doing this kind of thing? Ever?

    Shameless and too weak to stand up to a fair fight…

  5. Wait until the d’s block something and cite the thuglicans dishonesty and ten being told to just “get over it” or to “just let it go”

    I prefer a politician who will follow old adage ( I want to say a Churchill quote from when he was out of power but…?) along the lines of “nurturing my grievances helps keep me warm at night”

    Enough of this forgive and forget. That is only an invitation for more abuse.

  6. Biden is a vanilla nothing much so as to keep the few rePUKEians angry with trumpkin to vote dem!
    Thre PUKEians do what they need to do to win…including cheating. The Dems should know this and stayed in session to stop them. There are plenty of others to cry over 9/11.

    The real crime of 9/11 was that so many ‘mericans became so terrified they thought the (un)patriot act was a good thing!

  7. The GOP is a criminal enterprise.
    Also a terrorist organization.

  8. The Rethuglicans play dirty and play to win. They could care less about ethics, morality, or common decency. That is the reason that maintain control in states like Texas. Voter suppression, gerrymandering, xenophobia, racism, religious bigotry, and just outright lies are how they continue to rule in Texas as a minority.

  9. Y’all are getting it right, the Rethugs are the lowest, dirtiest, lyingest, thieving polecats this nation has even seen.

    Exactly why ‘Bipartisan’ Friendly Joe Biden is exactly the wrong person for the job.
    We Democrats need a stone-cold, super-vicious shitkicking killer who will be prepared to foresee and act in-kind to those Repuke vermin at every turn.

    I’d almost think that Ms. Valerie Plame might be adequately trained [freaking CIA operative] and sufficiently motivated for the run. Hmmmm…
    Gawddamn wouldn’t she scale, skin, fillet, and fry that fish-brained fat Orange Roughy [AKA ‘slimehead’] in our effen WH?

  10. the dems need to stop being surprised that the rethugs will pull a trick. speaking of Va…..when the Gov called a special session on gun violence (after the VA Beach shooting) there was nary a complaint from the thugs. some but not much. turns out they came, voted to suspend the session almost immediately, had enough votes. so home they all went. not a scrap of legislation got considered. wondering if NC had a quorum for their tricksy vote. or is a quorum not required?
