North Carolina and Jesus

October 07, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

My friend Maggie live in North Carolina around the Chapel Hill area. She sent me a yard sign she saw today.



I guess they have some pretty lax disclosure laws in North Carolina.


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0 Comments to “North Carolina and Jesus”

  1. 1toughlady says:

    Huh. Did He pay in manna?

  2. Paul Staller says:

    Debruhl is running for Sheriff of Buncombe County which is out around Asheville NC not near us in Chapel Hill. He was also recently arrested for stalking.

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    If the whole trilogy thing was more than a myth, Christ would return to slap his name out of the mouths of these blasphemers and for their “I prayed for forgiveness” schtick every damn time they’re caught breaking the Convenient Ten with children, sheep and basically anyone unable to consent.

  4. I hope his opponent can snag a coveted endorsement and contribution from The Father & Holy Ghost.

  5. Coprolite says:

    I think he ran out of funds and couldn’t afford enough letters to complete the word Christmas.

  6. We’ll, Ive heard tell He was coming back. I must’ve just missed it on the news when it happened I guess?

  7. Lunargent says:

    So, does this mean the candidate swiped a couple of collection plates?

    Just says it was paid for by Christ. Doesn’t say He donated the money.

  8. Susan on the Left Coast says:

    Sadistic people choose to worship a sadistic god made in their image.

    Enabled by the Trump regime: Christian lawmaker giddy about abortion being outlawed advises women to get their coathangers ready’

    After complaints were made about his tasteless post, he deleted it and accused anyone who took a screenshot of it of trying to get him fired .

  9. In my edition of the Bible, Christ didn’t have any money except what other people gave him, and he used that either for food and necessities or he gave it to people who had even less.

    So either this Debruhl is using some different Bible (almost all of the loud ones do) or he did, as Lunargent suggests, swipe money intended for the poor. Neither would surprise me.

  10. So this Debruhl fella is running for Sheriff in North Carolina by claiming that he nailed Jesus to a cross and stabbed him in the abdomen for good measure?

  11. slipstream says:

    I thought it was against the law for foreigners to contribute to political campaigns here in the United States.

  12. fry1laurie says:

    Should be a question mark in there. “Debruhl for Sheriff? Christ!”

  13. fry1laurie for the win!

  14. Linda Phipps says:

    Susan, that coathanger story lives on on my own wall. Like they say, you can run but you cannot hide.

  15. @Susan and @Linda – proof positive that the Right KNOWS making abortion illegal will not stop it / it’s all about controlling women.

  16. Well we know one thing definitely about Debruhl he is a bald faced LIAR!! Cuz jesus is so dead he did not pay anything for that sign or his campaign.

  17. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Re: campaign laws in NC – after some (guess which Party) lawmakers ‘forgot’ to put who paid for it on their signs, the law was changed to not require it, just so they wouldn’t get Election Board complaints. (One of them was later caught fudging his state mileage reimbursement and resigned from office in a FRIGHTFUL hurry!).

    Around where I live, Dems still put it on signs, in protest. I haven’t noticed anyone claiming Jesus as a donor, of course!

  18. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Did he pay in shekels? Talents? Drachmas? What’s the exchange rate? Come on, this is why we have campaign finance laws.

  19. When we were 30ish my little bride and I found ourselves at a medical building in DFW area being picketed by several of Flip Benham’s salivating, classically conditioned minions. Their presence interfered briefly with our transit, but eventually we made it to and through the MD’s door.

    Inside, while my little bride got examined for a sinus condition that just would not end, I found a couple of wire coat hangers. A quick twist here and turn there and pretty soon I had two passable wire sculptures of long-trunked elephants.

    The salivating masses were unappreciative of my creativity and a house move or two later, the elephants were lost. But ever since, we stronly associate, the anti-choice crowd, coat hangers, and all conservatives with one another.

  20. Lunargent says:

    Crprod –

    Thanks so much for sharing!

  21. easttxdem says:

    What’s worse is that people in NC will actually believe the sign and vote for this bozo.

  22. Knows The Truth says:

    Only the biggest idiots in Buncombe County would vote for this lying, narcissistic, unqualified, unintelligent, creepy moron. It takes a GIANT set of balls to say your “campaign” is paid for by Christ.
