Irony is Dead

October 08, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

She said that. She really said that.



Yes, Senator, you calling them crazy is a great encouragement to come forward.


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0 Comments to “Irony is Dead”

  1. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Absolutely, we should press charges immediately….so that we can be publicly, as well as privately, humiliated. Sorry the vote was so difficult for her…I suspect it’s actually a bit harder for the rest of us, particularly Dr. Ford.

  2. RepubAnon says:

    Senator Collins left out the bit about only filing claims that Republicans find politically useful. If someone was to claim that in s previous life, Hillary Clinton was Lizzie Borden, the Republicans would file murder charges.

  3. Catherine Riley says:

    I found myself wishing a very painful, extracted female organ disease death for this women. One that could not be treated even though she has health insurance unlike a lot of other women who she supposedly represents. But even as the thought formed in my mind, I knew I would never wish such a thing on anyone, even a woman who has insured that thousands of women in America in the future will die of treatable disease, be forced to continue dangerous pregnancies, and never report rape because no one will listen or care. To say I hate this woman is a blot on my karma that I have to own and I am not proud of it. But I hate this lying, stupid, gullible twit creature.

  4. It is impossible to alter this person’s view of the universe and would be a colossal waste of energy to try doing so. My energy will be directed at contributing financially to her opponent in 2020.

  5. Charles R Phillips says:

    Susan Collins is a sell-out. I’m a man, so it’s not my place to berate her for selling out women, I’ll leave that to those among us who share her gender. however, as a free thinker, I feel justified in berating her for selling out her constituents.

    Voting to confirm Kavanaugh is a vote to legalize corporate rape of the environment, legalize corruption at the highest levels of government, and legalize further abuse of minority rights, especially tribal rights.

    Voting to confirm Kavanaugh is, more than anything, is voting to destroy democracy in America by handing over SCOTUS to monied elites for their exclusive benefit.

    Senator Collins, I hope you learn to choke on what you rammed down our throats!

  6. yet another baby boomer says:

    Hmmm, irony might not be quite dead because the irony is that she voted the way she did to save her political skin and in fact has probably destroyed it. Her own party doesn’t take her seriously (where are those laws she was promised in exchange for her tax vote?) and certainly the rest of us no longer trust a word out of her mouth. So that long slog of a speech last week will be the last time she gets that much attention. She no longer matters. She’ll either be voted out or will see the handwriting on the wall and slink off on her own.

  7. two crows says:

    I know blaming the victim is in vogue these days [why should today be different from any other day?] but really, Susan? The best you can come up with is, “She should have pressed charges when she was 15 years old”?

    Well, the best I can come up with is, “C’mon, women of Maine, VOTE!”

  8. So she’s interested in occupying Paul LePage’s mindset in addition to his office. Keep the insanity going, Maine!

  9. Jane & PKM says:

    In defense of Maine, voters there did elect Sen. Angus King. Their next task is to send the two addlepated gas bags, LePeu and Collins, into retirement. Go Maine. Go from 1/3 to 3/3 in sanity!

  10. SteveTheReturned says:

    We need to make that awful, ignorant woman a thing of the past, just as soon as possible. Same goes for all who “think” as she does. It’s on us for letting it get this bad—history and our own self-worth demand we do something about it, and damn soon. Time to take the gloves off, in every sense.

  11. You can donate to her future opponent at

    So far, the site has raised $3.5 million.

    I have tried to leave a message on Collin’s website, but it is down for maintenance. Yeah, right.

  12. treehugger says:

    What possible incentive has she given anybody to come forward? She believes she was assaulted by somebody, but not this man who told us he didn’t do it and we sure don’t want to damage his reputation or hinder his chances at career advancement, and he also screamed blame at the Democrats and Hillary for all his current misery (which we Republicans always love to hear). Oh yeah, we’re all ready to act – TO GET HER OUT OF THE SENATE.

  13. Jane & PKM says:

    31 states allow rapists custody and visitation rights. If So-So Collins really cares, she might want to participate in a bi-partisan committee to fix that. And, while she’s at it work with Senate and House Democrats to fix what ails Congress in regards to people like Pajama Boy Brent and Beer Bong Brett who never face the consequences of their actions, while women are dragged through a gauntlet through no fault of their own. So-So, you belong to a Party that advocates for ‘personal responsibility.’ Show some by legislating some.

  14. Jane & PKM says:

    Mr. Charles R Phillips, if not for So-So’s self serving CYA speech, I’d agree with you 100%. Otherwise agreed; her vote was no more complicit than the other 49 who voted yea on Kavie, particularly alleged Democrat Joe Manchin. The two most culpable were ‘itch McConnell and Chuck G_assley who deserve to have protesters outside their homes, offices and favorite watering holes, until voted out of the Senate. Before my time, but wasn’t there a time when both the House and the Senate sanctioned dirt ball behavior? Remembering something from HS civics class…

  15. I am 60. My “MeToo” was 40 years ago. The reason I have never told ANYONE, and never will is women such as Susan Collins.

  16. The depths of her hypocrisy are astonishing. This woman is a disgrace to the state of Maine, the Senate, and her gender. I seriously doubt if she has the nerve to run again and will simply grab her retirement check from all of us taxpayers and slink off somewhere.

  17. Thirty-five years ago, women were lucky if they had any agency that would back them up on sexual harassment, rape, job discrimination, unfair wages, or anything else that threatened the good old boy patriarchy. We haven’t come a long way, baby…yet…as this travesty proved, so we just have to keep fighting.

  18. Linda Phipps says:

    Her next campaign will feature how she scored a 127 million dollar boondoggle for the shipyards the next day. That’s what a soul costs.

  19. Curious to see if Murkowski is thinking of switching parties.
    What with having to run a write in campaign last time after whack job won thuglican primary ( caucus ?).
    The tribes are who put over the top, or so I have read.
    The longer she is in D.C. the saner she seems to becoming which means she is moving closer to the party of the sane the d’s.
    Now that her home party is talking about chasticing this woman for not listening to the men folk and the fact that she will probably be facing a primary challenge she might be willing to make the jump.
    But if she does to be accepted she has to reveal to the public every memo, note message, email etc she has ever exchabged with any r’s or on any political subject.
    She must apolagize fro enableing r misgoverence and accept being put on the back bench and given her opinions and votes from a D “sherpa” to guide her out of the darkness she has been profiting in.
    If this was the house I would suggest that she be paired with Seattle Congresswoman or new woman out of Brooklyn who staged massive upset in d primary.
    Alas in the senate I cannot think of anyone appropiate maybe Kamala Harris?

  20. Jane & PKM says:

    K, for a quieter transition, Murkowski would do well to “pair” with NV Senator Cortez-Masto who has been working diligently with Sen. Sanders on health care reform and preparing other legislation. We adore Senator Harris, but her high profile might run counter to Murkowski’s plan. Senator Booker would be a good mentor too, but again the high profile.

  21. easttxdem says:

    I swear to God, this woman is both brain dead AND tone deaf. Please, oh please, let a strong Democratic opponent come after her in 2020. Women like Collins are only enablers of the white male patriarchy and they need to be chucked out along with their antiquated partners.

  22. @Jane & PKM #20

    Not booker another wholly owned subsiderary of wall street just like that failure ( or success if one considers hidden goals of surrender) shumer.
    Look at his absymal record on voting to protect his big money masters from any responsibilities.
    Remember when he was mayor he gave away the trenton school system to his owners the mutual fund managers so they could take taxpayers money for bogus failure of charter school system.
    oh and don’t forget his bootlicking of christies shoes.
    Oh and betrayal of d ticket in NJ when while he was riding high agreed to separate election for him to fill senate seat so as not to bring to many voters to the polls who might vote against christie.
    Nothing but another lierman waiting to get his piece of wing nut welfare.

    Do not know enough about the next senator from Nevada.
    But just as we cannot trust backstabbers such as cuello, lipinski, case, lierman,manchin and rahms disiples just because they wear a d at the ballot box so let us wait and see if she lives up to earning that D with her votes and issues.
