No, Wait, It’s That White Guy. No, Wait, It’s That White Guy. No, Wait…

December 15, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, in the contest of which cabinet member will get us all killed first, I keep changing my mind.  The ranking from bad to worse to worst to holy crap stop that guy is very fluid.

You know that Flynn guy and his whacked-out son?  Well, the pecan don’t fall far from the tree.

Daddy Flynn, who is now Trump’s National Security Adviser, has an equally tenuous grip on reality.  He recently deleted a tweet where he hisownself spread a false narrative that’s MUST READ about Hillary and the pizza shop.



Dude, you cannot erase tweets by deleting them.  Some guy always keeps a copy.

You’d think a national security advisor would know that.  And you’d be wrong.


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