No, Wait, It’s That White Guy. No, Wait, It’s That White Guy. No, Wait…

December 15, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, in the contest of which cabinet member will get us all killed first, I keep changing my mind.  The ranking from bad to worse to worst to holy crap stop that guy is very fluid.

You know that Flynn guy and his whacked-out son?  Well, the pecan don’t fall far from the tree.

Daddy Flynn, who is now Trump’s National Security Adviser, has an equally tenuous grip on reality.  He recently deleted a tweet where he hisownself spread a false narrative that’s MUST READ about Hillary and the pizza shop.



Dude, you cannot erase tweets by deleting them.  Some guy always keeps a copy.

You’d think a national security advisor would know that.  And you’d be wrong.


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0 Comments to “No, Wait, It’s That White Guy. No, Wait, It’s That White Guy. No, Wait…”

  1. Aggieland Liz says:

    The reply is auto-listing a Name and Email. Is anyone else seeing this?

  2. With nutjobs like this in charge, we are truly doomed.

  3. Aggieland Liz: you do mean your name and email, right? My phone has always done that. If anyone hasn’t yet seen it, WaPo broke a story that General Flynn shared classified information with with some of our allies while in Afghanistan. Without authorization. You know, what they’ve been trying to pin on Hillary for months to the tune 5 or 6 million of our tax dollars. I mean I realize he didn’t share it with an enemy, but I suspect that one doesn’t attain the rank of general without being told somewhere down the line that classified applies to everybody. Treason evidently doesn’t apply to Repugnantcans. It boggles the mind.

  4. One of the tweets getting a lot of retweets is about how massively unfit Flynn is for anything but the stockade. Specifically, divulging classified material.

    Another is all the pasty white guys among the picks of the Cheetoh-faced Ferret-wearing Shitgibbon Cocksplat, plus a few token women and The Token- Carson.

  5. e platypus onion says:

    Conspiracy nutter Monica Crowley is Flynn’s deputy co-conspirator. How nice.

  6. And that’s not the son, that’s the new National Security Adviser, a position which I believe is not even subject to Congressional GOP rubberstamping…..

    Maybe those folks stockpiling for armageddon aren’t completely crazy.

  7. e platypus onion says:

    The 17 cabinet members Drumpf appointed have the combined wealth of the bottom one third of Americans. Typical working class whites, right?
