No, Wait, Bad idea.

April 13, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Maine Governor Paul LePage has taken over the headlines that Rick Perry used to get.  You know, the ones that announce a governor is dumb, childish, and self-absorbed.

I’ve told you about LePage being a coward, refusing to swear-in a newly elected State Senator, disparaging the ladies, how he wants to start beheading people, is a racist, supports child labor, how he is an inept governor, and he slapped Rosie the Riveter.

Now he’s decided to make a political move.

During a speech to the Orono-area business community Tuesday night, LePage said he is considering a 2018 run for Senate, according to MPBN.

Yeah, the Senate!  He’ll fit in perfectly.

Thanks to Ron for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “No, Wait, Bad idea.”

  1. Erk! I say that with all sincerity. Yeah, Susan Collins and Angus King will get out of his way, right? From all that I can tell, both of these people intend to continue their Senate careers. However, there is really nothing to prevent LePage from leaving Maine and establishing the required residence elsewhere and then doing the run for Senate thing. Right now there are certain states where he would be a perfect fit. Sad, isn’t it!

  2. WA Skeptic says:


    (le sigh)

    Of course, this should be of great consolation to the beleaguered
    residents of the Great State of Maine.

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Pepe Le Peu, the Great Pee Stain of Maine, became governor as the result of two decent candidates losing to a moron as the result of a plurality vote. Similar to how Loathsome Ted became a Senator.

  4. bud malone says:

    The Maine hoipolloi needs a collective IQ test.

  5. This is how much respect he has from his own:

    Monday, the Republican-controlled Senate refused to vote on controversial bills until Deschambault was sworn in. After the ceremony Tuesday, she expressed gratitude to her new colleagues.

    Deschambault took her seat in the Senate for the first time Tuesday evening. She entered to a standing ovation.

  6. maryelle says:

    I’ll bet the citizens of Maine can’t wait to turn le page once and for all. Something is seriously wrong with him.

  7. I’m glad Deschambault was sworn in. LePage — hmmm, wasn’t that the name of a glue we used in school? Orange stuff in a glass bottle with a rubber applicator top. Sound familiar?

  8. Well, if LePage wants to upgrade I hear that the Donald may need a VP soon.

  9. charles r. phillips says:

    Paul LePage as a senate candidate. What could be better? He’ll die a political death and never be heard from again.

  10. You folks live in a bubble? I live only a hundred miles or so South of the Great State of Maine, and I can tell ya the Guv can likely slide right into the Senate on the wings of the Drumpfians that populate the poor State. I fear that even if Drumpf loses (please please please make it so) mongrels like LePage will still be a major problem wherever there are poor white old men with less than a high school education who are angry as hell that some of “them people” have stolen this great country out from under them.
