No, Seriously, I Hate These People. God Help Me, I Do.

October 10, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so what would you say about a Republican congressman who is very Godly and pro-life and asked his mistress to have an abortion?

You would say Ho hum.

Just another Republican.

A pro-life, family-values congressman who worked as a doctor before winning election as a Tea Party-backed Republican had an affair with a patient and later pressured her to get an abortion, according to a phone call transcript obtained by The Huffington Post.

The congressman, Rep. Scott DesJarlais of Tennessee, was trying to save his marriage at the time, according to his remarks on the call, made in September of 2000. And, according to three independent sources familiar with the call and the recording, he made the tape himself.

When asked about the tape, he admitted it was true but said it was “just another sordid detail dredged up by the opposition.”

Dude, you did it.  You were sordid.  Nobody had to dredge.  There it was, filed under Sordid Scott.

Honey, you are not the victim of dirty politics.  You ARE dirty politics.

Thanks to Deb for the heads up.

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