No, Seriously, I Hate These People. God Help Me, I Do.

October 10, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so what would you say about a Republican congressman who is very Godly and pro-life and asked his mistress to have an abortion?

You would say Ho hum.

Just another Republican.

A pro-life, family-values congressman who worked as a doctor before winning election as a Tea Party-backed Republican had an affair with a patient and later pressured her to get an abortion, according to a phone call transcript obtained by The Huffington Post.

The congressman, Rep. Scott DesJarlais of Tennessee, was trying to save his marriage at the time, according to his remarks on the call, made in September of 2000. And, according to three independent sources familiar with the call and the recording, he made the tape himself.

When asked about the tape, he admitted it was true but said it was “just another sordid detail dredged up by the opposition.”

Dude, you did it.  You were sordid.  Nobody had to dredge.  There it was, filed under Sordid Scott.

Honey, you are not the victim of dirty politics.  You ARE dirty politics.

Thanks to Deb for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “No, Seriously, I Hate These People. God Help Me, I Do.”

  1. This is my congressman for a few more weeks. I’ve been gerrymandered OUT of his District but I’m still sending money to his opponent, Eric Stewart, who would be a great Congressman. Just in case here’s the link:

  2. Ho Hum, just another right-wing nut job.

    I am not surprised to hear this about the mistress and the abortion. In the 1990s I worked for a group of women’s clinics which offered, among many other services, abortions, so we of course got our hefty compliment of anti-choice protesters on a regular basis. It was not uncommon then, and I’m sure not uncommon now, for the very men who marched on the picket line outside on one day, to try to usher their mistresses and daughters in the back door for an abortion on another. Which, by the way, the women did not always want (that would be the choice part of pro-choice) and the response of our clinics was to back the woman, not the man.

    What a bunch of sorry sacks these folks are.

  3. publius bolonius says:

    Craven pukes come to mind.

  4. Rethugs have no core values. Can you say etch-a-sketch?

    Issues are strictly cudgels and/or wedges to be deployed against Democrats.

    Family values is my favorite. The party of Mark Foley, Larry Craig, Joe Walsh, and countless other hypocrites. Now this a-hole Scott DesJarlais takes the cake. Rethuglicans are big on “personal accountability”. Of course they are. When confronted with his sordid hypocrisy, what did DeJarlais do? Duh. Of course, he blamed Democrats!

    BTW, don’t you know that the media is soooo liberal. Even Google. Don’t believe me? Google “wide stance” and see whose photo comes up at the top of the results page.

  5. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    I don’t think that having an affair is on the list of things recommended to save a troubled marriage and I’m pretty sure that once you’ve done that, there’s no saving possible.

  6. And this guy got women to go to bed with him? there’s no accounting for taste.

  7. A pro-life, family-values, married Republican who has an affair with a WOMAN is big news.

  8. @Carol, apparently this dude had 4 affairs. Must be slim pickin’s in Tennessee.

  9. Carol, I can only imagine that any woman who did would not have to be talked into having an abortion.

    I shouldn’t have said that.

    Re-read the item. Yeah, I should have said that.

  10. Yep, “pro-life, family values.” Here we go again. And, Rhea, I’m with you. Apparently I don’t understand family values or pro-life. I’m pro-life; I like living things, I really do (and I most especially like puppies). But I believe a woman should have the right to make her own decisions about her own body. He had problems in his marriage? REALLY? I can’t think why. And the lies just keep coming, not to mention the blame game. So the only reason that this is a problem is that the damned Democrats “dredged it up?” Damned Democrats!

  11. I forgot to say that dear Lord, JJ, I hate them too, but I’m trying not to. I know I should keep charity in my heart, but it gets tougher and tougher every day. Do you think it’s easier if you’re a Super Deluxe Brand Christian? I guess it must be.

  12. Y’all, please pardon my cynicism but I am far beyond sick of the hypocrisy and double standards. The rich and well-connected have always had access to safe abortions (but we already knew that). They don’t want the poor to have them. Where else would the MIC get their cannon fodder?

  13. Thing is, there are people who will still vote for him. We have to be very aware of who we are voting for.
    Way down here, J.M. Lozano ran as a Democrat in 2010, raving about his opponent taking money from Texans for Lawsuit Reform, won, and immediately started voting with the Repugs in Austin.
    Now he’s running as a Repug and his biggest contributor is…ta-da, Texans for Lawsuit Reform.
    They not only lie, they’ll steal your vote.

  14. WhitesCreek,

    I did not realize you were in White’s Creek, TN. I am in Cheatham County.

    ScottyBagger certainly has caused himself trouble. I saw a comment last night on Ch. 4 where he said this “is a re-hash” of the things from the last election. Really? Funny, this particular piece ScottyBagger’s life did NOT appear in Middle TN news until HuffPo got it yesterday.

    Toss him.

  15. I’m constantly amazed that people who run for office think they can keep this sort of thing hidden.

  16. Personally, I just can’t believe any woman would get near enough to that man to GET pregnant. Talk about Immaculate Conception….he must have fantasized too hard.

    Cause damn…

  17. Another sordid detail? Anyone know what the previous sordid details were about?
