No, Seriously, He’s Nuts, Y’all

November 24, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Now I know people from foreign states have quit listening to me about crazy Texas politicians, and have pretty much come to the conclusion that every politician in Texas is a pea short of a pod.  Hell, I have friends from other states signing a petition to MAKE Texas secede.

But, y’all, Ted Cruz, our newly elected Senator, is the rooster in the chicken crazy coop.  His wackiness stands out in Texas and that’s damn hard to do.  Honey, he wouldn’t be stable even if MIT mounted him on a tripod.

Glenn Beck, who is too crazy for even Fox News, came up with this whole United States Agenda 21 conspiracy.   Agenda 21 is one cell amoeba-talk for Let’s Test The Limits of Mental Health.

President Obama is using a mind control procedure known as the “Delphi Technique” to slowly condition Americans to submit to the control of the United Nations’ Agenda 21, which will, according to Searcy, force mass migrations of Americans out of the countryside and into the cities, while handing over control of our rural lands to an international, one-world government.

Somebody needs to tell this guy how to get to Sesame Street because he’s lost his brain.  I don’t know if it dripped out slowly or just exploded in a giant blast of insanity and OhMyGodWeHaveABlackPresident.

Ted Cruz is not only a leader of this movement, he’s a customer himself.  Ted believes that Agenda 21 is the brainchild of George Soros who wants to eliminate golf courses, paved roads, and grazing land.   Crap, not golf courses.  Anything but the golf courses.

And the Republicans put him in charge of outreach.  I suspect that’s because he has a butterfly net.

Thanks to Kathleen for the heads up.

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