No, No, No. In Spite Of, Not Because Of.

November 16, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ivanka is all a’twitter this morning.



Wait, wait, wait, back in January 0f 2020, your Dad still couldn’t pronounce Corona Virus.

The first report of a coronavirus-related death in the United States came on Feb. 29 in the Seattle area, although officials there later discovered that two people who had died Feb. 26 also had the virus.

Your Dad, my dear, kept saying it would just magically go away.  You know how much credit he gets for this?

Honey, nobody would have changed their vote because if a vaccine had come out while he was president, the main distribution center would have Mar A Lago. And you would have had to join the club to get it.  Billionaires and their families would have been next and then celebrity endorsements could line up with their families.  Next would have been Republican senators who supported giving him a third term.

That’s how this would go.


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0 Comments to “No, No, No. In Spite Of, Not Because Of.”

  1. America has always been a country of amateurs where the professional, that is to say, the man who claims authority as a member of an élite which knows the law in some field or other, is an object of distrust and resentment.
    ~ W. H. Auden

  2. Steve from Beaverton says:

    As usual, the truth is never an obstacle for a Trumpf to either take credit for something or deflect blame. Maybe she can address how 250,000 of his victims will never know about “his” vaccine, or which “corner” we have turned. Or maybe how she and her family are withholding any information to help move this along after they retreat to mara la la lago land. Of course they’re not actually doing anything about this vaccine other than perhaps trying to profit off of it.

  3. I’m not sure “a’twitter” is the best term for Ivanka. How about “a twit”? And not just this morning, but every hour of every day.

  4. Oddly, Moderna didn’t announce that it had gotten government support until April. (

    And it has a history of failing to report government support for its work (

    So that’s interesting.

  5. Ivanka says, “I repeat…”

    You know they realize they’re on their way out when start lying twice about the same thing in one sentence.

  6. They’re still trying to make us believe six impossible things before breakfast.

  7. Quelle surprise! Princess Sparkletwat is as off in her timelines and she is distanced from reality. January 2020 was when this maladministration was giving out corona virus information to the donor class as a stock tip. Meanwhile her precious hub huckster Jughead Kushner was busily nailing down our national PPE as his own private stockpile and running the profiteering angle for this maladministration.

  8. Grandma Ada says:

    I’m trying to think of anything so important that my kids would lie for me – or my grandkids for that matter. I guess Ivanka is desperate to retain her “good” image so that she could be a third rate “influencer” on Twitter once she’s history in DC.

  9. At this point, I am very surprised that Trump and his cronies are not demanding credit for people who are NOT dead from Covid.

  10. Ralph Wiggam says:

    If Moderna is so good, why did we contract with Pfizer to purchase millions of doses of their inferior vaccine? Who wants the second best life saver on the market?

  11. As a matter of fact Trump and company, and the whole “Lightspeed” program (what a fucking name) had nothing to do with this vaccine.

    But none of this will mater for the Trumpist true believers.

    From this day forward the world-o-Trump will accept it as an absolute undeniable fact and article of faith that DJTrump, in a noble and heroic act very much like Prometheus giving mankind fire, and despite knowing he would never get credit, personally delivered a wonderful and completely effective vaccine to wipe COVID-19 from the face of the earth.

    I personally cannot wait for the paintings memorializing the heroic event.

  12. Fact check… literally… I repeat… water is wet, kittens are cute, and sugar is sweet. Nope, not believing it if a Trump said it.

    Donald didn’t know dip about coronavirus on January 13, 2020. That lie is so easy to disprove, it’s pathetic, even for a Trump. But his followers will suck it down because they’ve handed over their brains and surrendered any right to be citizens of a democracy.

  13. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Last I heard, Pfizer refused US funding for its vaccine and its development is funded out of the German government.

    Sure hope the various statements from various sources get sorted into “fact” and “fable” in the next few months. (Hope is faint, but still has a pulse.)

  14. The Surly Professor says:

    And the face-lift princess and her stupid and smug husband had to pull their kids out of their private school. Reason: failing to observe even the simplest protections against coronavirus. Even after being repeatedly warned.

    Mel @9: for a while last spring, the Trumpoids were taking credit for the millions of Americans who weren’t getting the Trump Plague and dying. Seriously, the argument was that 99% of us were OK, so what’s the big deal?

    Art: the name “Lightspeed” is completely on-target. Since nothing with any mass can achieve it ….

  15. In that ‘alternate universe’ of the MAGAots, one of the reddest little towns in Texass, La Vernia [‘burb of San Antonio] is going to need a metric fockton of any COVID-45 vaccine ASAP.
    The damned fool LVISD [school district] is mandating that all ‘remote learning activities’ will cease after Thanksgiving, with 100% classroom-only teaching thenceforth.
    Can anyone imagine a more disastrous attempt to spread a deadly disease, immediately after a holiday in which students and staff have likely mixed with many family and friends, who may have traveled too? Then force them all into close contact at school at the very height of the disease outbreak.
    These Rethugs are simply stunningly brilliant…

  16. john in denver says:

    If there isn’t a contract or other document with DJT Sharpie scrawl on it, it didn’t happen.
