None Dare Call It Treason

March 24, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, this takes the cake.

You cannot call the Wall Street Journal a liberal media source.  Well, I guess you could, but people would snicker at you.

They have a story today that ought to be ringing a few more bells than it has.

Closeup-BoehnerSoon after the U.S. and other major powers entered negotiations last year to curtail Iran’s nuclear program, senior White House officials learned Israel was spying on the closed-door talks.

The espionage didn’t upset the White House as much as Israel’s sharing of inside information with U.S. lawmakers and others to drain support from a high-stakes deal intended to limit Iran’s nuclear program, current and former officials said.

The bottom line is that Israel spied on United States diplomatic negotiations and fed their biased interpretation of those negotiations to members of congress.

Have you been looking for treason? This one stands out like a possum in a poodle show.

Israel is denying it happened.  I think we need John Boehner’s orange butt sworn under oath before a special Senate committee and watch him perjure himself.  Yeah, John, it looks like manner, smells like manure, tastes like manure but it’s custard pudding, right?

This whole deal smells like 50 cents a gallon perfume.


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0 Comments to “None Dare Call It Treason”

  1. No matter how cynical I get…. I can’t keep up.

    If we call Israel an “ally”…. how do we figure out who is our “enemy”?

    Is this what prompted Boehner’s recent trip to Israel? Maybe to collect his “reward”?

  2. e platypus onion says:

    Orange is the new treason. A carrot dangling in front of Boner attached to Israel’s best interest would explain Boner’s orange coloration for sure. As he fades to green(the color of campaign donations) they feed him more carrots to cover-up their crime. Got conspiracy written all over it. Another crime to charge Boner and Israel with.

  3. Whoops! Is this another accident like the time they bombed one of our ships in the Med?

  4. Dianne in PA says:

    And they think Barack isn’t being nice enough to Bibi??

  5. USS Liberty. Israel has been trying to get Jonathan Pollard released from prison for spying on US. I believe he is in a prison in Texas.

  6. I admit that I don’t pay much attention to the Middle East because my life is not long enough to start understanding anything over there, especially when it keeps shifting around. But the impression I have gotten over the years is that Israel is not our friend; Israel is like one of those zombie-ant funguses that gets into an ant’s system and makes the ant do things for the fungus, such as crawl up to the top of a plant to die so the fungus can grow out of the ant’s head and spread its spores.

    I’d like Jewish people to be happy and safe, without crushing anybody else, but I wish that atheists, several times more numerous, had as much influence on US government policy. And I don’t think that any of us are spying against the US.

  7. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Faux shock! Boehner is too focused on his next drink and bonus check to remember Jonathan Pollard. Nothing has changed.

  8. The House UnAmerican Activities Commission should be called into service ASAP. The cozy cooperation between Boner and the Yahoo goes further and deeper than heretofore suspected. Perhaps this will be the Republican apocalypse we’ve been awaiting.

  9. I would assume that both our allies and our enemies spy on us to the extent of their capabilities, just as we seem to do to them. It’s what countries do.

    However, using the information to undermine the U.S. government takes things a big step further. Boehner is consistently aiding the agent (Netanyahu) of a foreign power that is working against our country’s interests.

    The Repubs seem to have decided that Netanyahu is their President. I guess they couldn’t get Putin.

  10. The more I see republicans against America the more I think it’s time to divide the united states in half. We can call them Blue America and Red America and lets see who will do better. I have a strong feeling Blue America will do better. I’m sick and tired of republicans not acting like they are part of America.

  11. Corinne Sabo says:

    This is way more important than Benghazi.

  12. @PKM
    The point of your comment was just this much “… Boehner is too focused on his next drink…” Compared to his next drink, “All other forms of human endeavor shrink to insignificance…”
    Just imagine how he’d be if someone introduced him to cocaine.

  13. @AFM:

    People seem to think that they are citizens of the Republican Party and that this is patriotism and sufficiently good patriotism. I prefer to be a citizen of the United States. — Mark Twain

  14. Sam in San Antonio says:

    There’s always a different standard for Israel. We support a country that is carrying out their own holocaust in Palestine. Say anything about it and you’re “anti-Semitic”.

  15. e platypus onion says:

    Sam is correctumundo about anti-Semitism.

  16. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    I’m Jewish with both US and Israeli citizenship. I was born in the US and lived in Israel for 8 years. I’m not anti-Semitic and I hate what Israel’s government is doing to the Palestinians. And the people of Gaza. It’s horrific.

    And, for perspective, what the US government does to innocents in our own country (whistleblowers) and other countries is also horrific.

  17. Marion (not MM) is right. My understanding is that many, many Israelis/Jews feel the same way. I believe the majority of voters in Israel did not vote for Netanyahu’s party.

    When I’m tempted to go crazy on them, wondering what in Hell is wrong with the Israeli citizens, I remember that we had GWB for pres for 2 terms. (I strongly suspect that he did not “win” either term.) At any rate, that situation precludes me from casting stones at Israel.

  18. I usually read a little of Haaretz, it seems like a lot of folks are upset at Netanyahu, I hope the pres follows through and stops defending them at the UN.

  19. Marion/MM: I’m a New York Jew who feels the same way about how Israel (I’ve never even visited, let alone lived there) treats Palestinians.
