June 24, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I do not even know what to say.  A cult leader and a rotting corpse of a senate leader allowed the Supreme Court to overturn law that gave women autonomy over their own bodies.

Women will die because of this.  Children will be born just for Republicans to starve them.

You will be overwhelmed with requests for money today to fight this.  Please, please be careful. Do not donate to scam PACs or Action Committees with less action than fundraising.  Hold on to your dollars until we know where money is truly needed.

And, they are not finished.

Justice Thomas calls on SCOUS to overrule Griswold (right to contraception); Lawrence (invalidating anti-sodomy laws); Obergefell (marriage equality)


Texas Attorney General, Trump buttkisser, and indicted felon Ken Paxton is so excited!



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