June 24, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I do not even know what to say.  A cult leader and a rotting corpse of a senate leader allowed the Supreme Court to overturn law that gave women autonomy over their own bodies.

Women will die because of this.  Children will be born just for Republicans to starve them.

You will be overwhelmed with requests for money today to fight this.  Please, please be careful. Do not donate to scam PACs or Action Committees with less action than fundraising.  Hold on to your dollars until we know where money is truly needed.

And, they are not finished.

Justice Thomas calls on SCOUS to overrule Griswold (right to contraception); Lawrence (invalidating anti-sodomy laws); Obergefell (marriage equality)


Texas Attorney General, Trump buttkisser, and indicted felon Ken Paxton is so excited!



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0 Comments to “No UPDATED”

  1. BarbinDC says:

    Considering who he’s married to, I guess Loving is safe for now.

    I just hope to live long enough to see the GOP go the way of the Whigs–buried and never to be seen again.

    BTW: You are correct about fundraising. My inbox was filled by the time I looked at it. No amount of money is going to change this until the Rethugs are completely defeated.

  2. So, the US SC is taking us here.

    Decree 770 – 1966, Romania.

    At least women can carry guns. They might need them.

  3. a big thank you to James Comey for playing a major role in making this happen. I remain convinced his fear of the House Republicans and his press conferences against HRC were a major player in the bullshit coming from Supreme Court

  4. Those bastards have been after abortifacients since Texas was trying to pass the ERA. And I remember my sil having to go to another state to get her bc pills. Now that Texas put a bounty on abortion seekers and providers all bets are off. Those data aggregators can see what we buy online and if we are near an abortion provider in another state. Any fool who believes that movie about the stolen election will be coming after users of BC before this whole thing ends badly. IMO, the dems better get their heads out of their arses and some of their creative class to counter Murdock, Frank Luntz, and the urban rumor mill.

  5. joel hanes says:

    The critical moment was in November 2000

    All this is the mostly predictable aftermath of that judicial coup.

  6. Grandma Ada says:

    With abortion out, and birth control next, I hope there are lists of GOP men having to do their “laundry” by hand because their wives/girlfriends are afraid of getting pregnant!

  7. slipstream says:

    Kavanaugh testified under oath that he believed Roe v. Wade was settled legal precedent.

  8. Well, I sort of agree with Gramdma Ada but not from fear of getting pregnant. Maybe all women should exert a right they still have and stop having sex with men at all. No offense to men but feel the loss too.

  9. Steve from Beaverton says:

    We all knew this day was coming since trumpf was able to stack the court, forever enduring him to the 36-39% of voters. According to polls for quite a while, over 60% disagree with the ruling which we would logically mean Democrats should be able to get people to the polls at every level, local to national. That needs to happen.
    Waiting for Susan Collins to going into hiding from the press. She may have been duped by Kavanaugh and Barret but it’s not hard to dupe a dope.
    If we ever get in a position again in congress, we need to expand the SCOTUS and abolish the electoral college. Both are out of touch and antiquated.
    Finally, the court in one week decided that states can determine and control women’s reproductive rights (and more to come), but forbid states from enacting laws to protect people from gun violence.

  10. …starve them or shoot them.

  11. Grandma Ada @ 6 and AK Lynne @9,

    Add the Lysistrata gambit – no abortion, no privacy rights, no BC – then no more sex.

  12. Katherine says:

    Will someone please explain to me why this decision doesn’t violate the 13th amendment?

  13. G Foresight says:

    Opportunity knocks?

    How Democrats can win in the 2022 elections: make the elections a referendum on Roe!

    (This is a June 6 op-ed but the strategy still applies.)

  14. weakgrip says:

    hoping the next abortion is Betsy Johnson’s independent run for governor in Oregon. No way is she going to attract Repugnant votes, just siphoning off deluded democrats. It would have been a good candidacy any other cycle.

  15. The Court has shot themselves in the right-wing foot. It won’t be long now till MEN in general figure out how this decision impacts THEM. If their wife is forced to give birth due to lack of contraceptions and they already have the family they wanted and can afford, it is going to burn their socvks to realize that the Court sits on top of them just like women. And Justice Thomas and his appetite for going futher on other privacy laws OK’d by previous justices. Since he did not mention LOving v. Virginia, someone sure as hell will and force it down his throat. There goes his marriage! And HIPA will also lose its privacy protection. Boy! What we will learn about the most private medical information on those dorks on the Court!

  16. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Weakgrip, I totally agree. I’ve been noodling a letter to the Oregonian editor about the fact that what she is doing is electing a repugnantican as governor. While Betsy Johnson claims she supports women’s reproductive rights, the repugnantican candidate certainly does not, is a gun nut advocate, rails against LGBT and making sure schools do not teach the truths about our past. I finally have to mute her campaign ads because I can’t take them anymore. I know of some of her big donors that help her run all these ads (like Phil Night), but I’m betting there’s some dark repugnantican money in that pot.

  17. The Surly Professor says:

    Maggie @ 15: things will go back to pre-Roe. The wealthy will be able to get abortions for their women-folk by sending them to other states or countries where it can be done. It’s everyone else stuck with the restrictions, but since when have the rich and powerful ever been concerned with the little folks?

    As for overturning Loving, (a) even without Thomas that leaves a 5-4 theocrat majority, and (b) have you seen Thomas and Gini? I’m willing to bet neither of them cares if the other lives or dies. [disclaimer: I don’t, and I might even do a Paxton-style holiday if either of them checks into the Horizontal Hilton].

  18. lazrgrl says:

    I’m so sick of those sanctimonious old women (and bishops) blathering on about “the babies”. What about the mothers? I really hope civic minded TX ladies start sending Abbot used tampons and pads in case there’s a (not unlikely) “fertilized egg” there.

  19. Oooh, lazrgrl, that was gross. I like it!

  20. lazrgrl @ 18,

    Send Abbot the bed sheets with wet spot from the night before. Every sperm is precious.

  21. All down to the Catholic Pedophile Cult – they NEED more babies to f*** with .

  22. Clarence Thomas sat in silence for years and years but now is the spokesperson for the rightwing reactionaries. Proves the statement: better to keep your mouth shut and be thought ignorant than to open it and remove all doubt. We have no doubts anymore. He is merely the mouthpiece for his white rightwing wife, that is until his marriage is annuled as illegal.

  23. For a moment I will wear a tinfoiI cap. I would not be surprised if the GOP money gave money under the table to the SC to influence yesterday’s decision. The most unfortunate, is that Roe vs Wade like the Equal Rights Amendment, could have been codified years ago and never was. So here we are.

    Jim @ 22,

    The theo-fascists want to control women. They want women to be docile baby breeders like farm animals. They don’t care if those infants starve or are abandoned in a dumpster or some a$$h0le with an assault rifle guns them down in a classroom.

    Anita Hill was right about Thomas. He was a deplorable, POS then, as he is now.

  24. Joyce Pieritz says:

    I find it fascinating that Thomas cites all the 14th amendment privacy cases for a re-look, except Loving – the one that made his marriage to his white wife legal in all states.

    Nothing like hypocrisy in action – what impacts me I’ll keep everything else must go.

  25. One of the ten commandments says, “Thou shalt not kill.” However, even a cursory perusal of the Old Testament shows that a lot of killing went on and many of the killers, e.g., King David, were richly rewarded. The intent of the commandment is surely “Thou shalt not murder.”

    The legal definition of murder varies somewhat, depending on the jurisdiction, but ‘the unlawful killing of another human being’ is a pretty consistent theme in all of them. So, there’s that term: human being. Just what is a human being? Is a fertilized egg a human? Is an embryo? How about a blood cell? Given that we’ve learned how to clone cells, could advancing technology someday give us the ability to clone a blood cell into a real live, functioning human being? In that case, I might commit murder if I cut myself while shaving. Where does it stop?

    Today, the idea that a fetus is a human is a religious idea, but different religious groups have different ideas of what a human being is. So, this decision clearly respects an establishment of religion, primarily the Catholic Church. The First Amendment says Congress may not respect an establishment of religion but says nothing about the Supreme Court, so I guess that’s OK.

    I wonder what they’ll say when some religious group comes to them saying that their religion requires human sacrifice. Or polygamy…

  26. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Opus Dei needs to be added to the list of terrorist organizations.

  27. “Supreme Court Rules 5-4 To Add Jesus Into All Paintings”

  28. The Surly Professor says:

    And now among the crowing repugnant folks, we have a rep at a T**** rally saying it out loud:

    Of course she now claims it was a slip of the tongue, and she meant to say it was a victory for the right to life, not a victory for white life. But it’s a maggot rally, so of course the crowd goes wild for what she really said.

  29. I’m glad I have enough wealth that -like all rich people- the law does not apply! I will take my ladies to where they need to go to get PROPER medical care. This is highly unlikely as the ladies are trained in 5 martial arts forms and expert shots and have guns, so rape will be unlikely, as they are also trained to NOT to except drinks from strangers or do not see how they are made.
