Next Superhero Movie: Disaster Governor

January 25, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

And as the GOP slides ungracefully into total nonsense

This week Chris Christie called himself the “Disaster Governor.”

He said that with 17 snowstorms during his tenure, not including Hurricane Irene and Hurricane Sandy, “I am clearly the disaster governor.”

Screen Shot 2016-01-25 at 10.03.03 AMYeah well, in more ways than one.

That got me to thinking ….

Could Christie be the next villain in a new Superhero movie?

Disaster Governor:  He gets his super powers from a botched gastric bypass surgery, which allows him to harness the forces of nature to horribly inconvenience his own state for political purposes.

And he’s issued a Superhero challenge.  He warned the voters of New Hampshire not to vote “out of anger.”

“I’m angry, too. I want to burn Washington down because it’s so ineffective,” Christie said, “but who is going to rebuild it when it’s burned down?”

I dunno.  We really need a Pleasant Happy Day Governor for that job.

Thanks to Bryan for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Next Superhero Movie: Disaster Governor”

  1. JAKvirginia says:

    Who’s going to rebuild it? Why Trump you idiot! Gee… even I saw that one coming.

  2. Marcia in CO says:

    @JAKvirginia … Bazinga, baby!! Trump can build it because … you know … well … because things and such!!


  3. Republicans being angry at Washington for being ineffective is like a bratty toddler being angry because his toys are all over the floor and broken.

    Exactly like.

  4. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Gov Cartman aka the Outlaw Jersey Whale is butt hurt that he cannot grab the attention of the evil money behind other big losers like Wanker, Snyder and Brownback. Republicon governors are one of the Koch brothers’ favorite tools for destroying the nation one state at a time.

  5. JAKvirginia says:

    Oh… Blizzard shuts down Federal government in DeeCee. Maybe we should call it a Cruzzard?

  6. Damn, Son, I don’t believe I’d a told that.

  7. Tilphousia says:

    Doesn’t Christy mean disastrous governor? And why hasn’t he been impeached? The good people of New Jersey certainly deserve better governance, they deserve a governor who actually takes his oath of office seriously. In fact, don’t these “such good Christians” understand that an oath is a solemn promise made to God. Oath breakers were punished severely in prior ages. Guess one’s word as his bond is an outmoded idea. Too bad.

  8. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    RA, perfect! ROFL

    Tilphousia, this weeks snacilbupeR race to the bottom seems to be “who can be more destructive than Dubya.”

    Christie had planned on remaining in NH to campaign, until NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio shamed him into returning to NJ. Why does Bill hate NJ?

  9. Some one in Yankie law enforcement should review the Outlaw Jersey Whale’s statement. Was the statment a terroristic threat against the city of Washington DC? Was it an extemporaneous outburst warning of an arson to come? Inquiring minds want to know!

  10. Hollyanna says:

    But Christie assured us that all was fine in New Jersey–don’t believe those lyin’ folks from the southern shore who were seen weeping over their flood damage…

  11. Repubs insist that government doesn’t work and then they prove it.

  12. Does he really want to remind people of Hurricane Sandy when he and Obama were such hug-buddies?

  13. Susan on the Left Coast says:

    Here’s the movie trailer for the Christie super hero flick

    Y’all Qaeda militia in Oregon issued another video to challenge Gov. Christie put a loin cloth on and do a Sumo battle with someone only a mother could love…a bared militia maniac.

  14. “Disaster Governor.”
    Hahahahahahahaha! That’s positively Palinesque! Hahahahahahahaha!

  15. You know they started the X-files up again – just saying

  16. Did you hear about that Alaska governor that backed into the spinning props of a bush plane?

    Disaster. 🙂

  17. OK, there are people kayaking down the streets in coastal NJ towns. So, no biggie, Venice is a very popular tourist destination.

  18. The only good thing about having Palin and Trump on the national stage is that Tina Fey and Darrell Hammond are back on SNL. Don’t know who they have doing Christie, poor thing.

  19. daChipster says:

    In a world beset by storm…

    At a time when seas are rising…

    In an election full of smaller candidates…

    And a car full of clowns…

    Only one man thinks he can rise to be Leader of the Free World by doing the absolute, bare minimum of everything and hoping nobody notices:

    a Michael Bay film


    Chris Christie
    as Gov. Fat Bastard of the State of Disaster


    Donald Trump as Don “Douchebag” Trumpleone
    Carly Fiorina as Agent Clarice Snarling
    Ted Cruz as Skeevy McOilslick
    Marco Rubio as Young Marco Rubio
    Jeb Bush as a doormat
    Ben Carson as The Narcolepto Maniac
    John Kasich as Smilin’ Jack Lehman
    Rick Santorum as Google-eyes
    Rand Paul as Sonny Bongwater
    Mike Huckabee as Reverend Grift Baygasher

    and featuring
    Bernie Sanders as Larry David
    Hillary Clinton as Herself


    Barack Obama as “The President”

    Coming soon, to a theater nowhere near you where 13 Hours, The Merry Blades of Benghazi used to play.
    Graham: “Not even a cameo? I coulda been the doormat! You are the suckiest agent ever, McCain!”

  20. JAKvirginia says:

    daChipster… you make me laugh. Thanks.

  21. I’d pay to see your movie daChipster.

    Micr, “disaster?”! Hahaha!

    God I love this blog and you commenters.

  22. Lunargent says:

    It could play in a double feature with “King Cruz vs. Trumpzilla”.

  23. Linda Phipps says:

    OK, he came home to provide … something … for the citizens. Now he says “do you want me to come there with a mop”. His hero coupon is only good for 24 hours I guess.
