News You Can Use

May 09, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so Donald Trump ain’t picking Chris Christie to be his vice president.

No, sireee.  But don’t let your guard down.

jp-christie-2-y-blog427New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie will serve as the chairman for Donald Trump’s transition team should the billionaire businessman win the presidential election this fall.

“Gov. Christie is an extremely knowledgeable and loyal person with the tools and resources to put together an unparalleled Transition Team, one that will be prepared to take over the White House when we win in November,” Trump said in a statement announcing the decision.

So, be prepared for a whole helluva lot of bridge closures in DeeCee if Trump wins.


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0 Comments to “News You Can Use”

  1. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Christie taking over the White House as captain of the Transition Team? Dear me. Lock up the silverware, put away the good china. Count everything weekly and don’t let that man near a transportation office.

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Bridge closures? If Gov Cartman aka the Outlaw Jersey Whale is expected to be in Dee Cee, start making your dinner reservations now before the foot shortage strikes.

    A crack team of what, btw? Indicted or unindicted co-conspirators.

  3. Marcia in CO says:

    I’m with both Hillary and Elizabeth Warren that Drumpf won’t EVER set foot anywhere near the White House.

  4. Jean Kuhn says:

    So far here in NJ the only thing that Christie has done in recent memory (aside from bridge closings and making an ass of himself) is to veto the equal pay for women act. His wife doesn’t have to worry because she can always bleed the Sandy fund for money the way he did. Took 2 million from the Sandy fund to make a tee vee ad to tell the world what a fun place New Jersey is. I believe that he has about 15% who think he’s ok. The other 85% want him to get the hell out of here.

  5. maggie says:

    The last transition team had space in some kind of decent hotel near the White House. If the old post office renovation is completed by November 9th, they can slide right in there. However there is likely not going to be any food service. Trump has trouble keeping chefs. The one that was supposed to run the kitchen in the old post office is suing him! Imagine that!

  6. maryelle says:

    The Bully Boys together again. They actually think this is going to happen. Should we tell them? Boys, there ain’t gonna be a Trump Transition. No way. No how.

  7. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    So far, he’s made choices that no one but him could have even imagined. Christie for transition team and Va Va Voom Carson for VP Vetting.

  8. slipstream says:

    We’ll cross that bridge when we come to . . .

    Oh wait. I guess we won’t.

  9. And Christie has how much D.C. Or Washington experience?

  10. two crows says:

    I think we can count on some traffic problems between the governor’s mansion in NJ and Trump Tower in NY.

    Pull out the popcorn – but don’t let Christie see it.

  11. e platypus onion says:

    If Drumpf wins he will charge admission for distraught Americans to jump off any bridge in DC or New York/Jersey and elsewhere.

  12. Christie’s expertise is not only limited to bridge closures. Cement shoes and severed horses heads are among his other many Jerseyite ‘payback’ specialties.
    Who needs KKKarl Rove anyway?

  13. daChipster says:

    Christie took a yuge political risk and by rights should expect more. He will probably want AG or a federal judgeship, but Donald will want him to be Chief of Staff to do the hard stuff, so Christie will agree to three years of running the country in exchange for a permanent sinecure on a circuit.

    *Chri-is! Chris Christie! Wake up, Chris! Time to go kiss Drumpenarsche!*

    Transition! Forsooth!

  14. daChipster says:

    Does anyone else get the feeling that this was a broken play? Like Uday and Qusay heard the rumors that their sister’s husband was getting the transition gig and raised holy hell? Not like the Donald doesn’t want him dead, but eventually, after the Manhattan Hillbillies move into 1600. Then they can rub Soon-Yi’s husband out.

  15. Wyatt Earl says:

    Wasn’t Cheney W’s transition guy, and appointed himself as Veep? Somebody help me remember.

  16. l'angelomisterioso says:

    I figure that,if nothing else, the morbidly obese gov will have a ready supply of fresh doughnuts available to the team.

  17. Linda Lester says:

    I watch the news and it seems that the Dumpster and the news mogels who love the ratings are forgetting that there is still a general election to contend with. Now all the losers are circling around him like vultures–pretty scary stuff, Palin, Cheney, Cruz, Carson and Christie–all thinking they will get the Court Jester position! We can only hope this so called transition thing will be a figment of their non-existent imaginations!!
    People be afraid, very afraid of this bunch–important to turn out to vote in November–if you do not have the right id–make sure you go get it now!!!

  18. @daChipster

    What’s Woody Allen ever done to Hair Drumpf? Enquiring minds want to know!

  19. daChipster says:

    sorry, Micr, I should have been more clear and less clever, In this figure:

    Soon-yi = Ivanka
    Woody Allen = Trump
    husband = Jared Kushner, who stands in the way of Trump’s unholy interest in his daughter’s assets.

  20. Linda Phipps says:

    Maybe putting Christie in charge of any DeeCee transition is part of the GOP plan: shutting down the bridges in this bridge-impaired area (I have lived here 30 plus years) … would fully ensure that Congress would continue to never get a darn thing done.

  21. Oops! Bad news for Gov. Cartman. Bridgegate is back in the news! A New Jersey judge has ruled that the list of unindicted co-conspirators will be released.

    Woo-hoo Cartman! Bridgegate is not done with you! Your petty, childish hissy fit is not done costing you. Bozo.
