New Boston, Texas, and Letters
Well, the couple pointing fingers at each other over the ricin-laced letters sent to President Barack Obama, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberghail from New Boston, Texas, which is — ta da! — in East Texas.
They are blaming each other, which is kinda common in East Texas since all the sane people moved out and now they are left to fight with each other.
Their congressvarmint is Ralph Hall, who is 147 years old (he was born in 1923, do the math) and first went to congress in 1980 as a blue dog Democrat, switched parties in 1995 and is now a loud Tea Party crackpot. He was a buddy of Jack Abramoff and spent more time than considered seemly in the Northern Mariana Islands.
Thelma says she’s impressed that the letters came from New Boston. She didn’t know that anybody there could write.
Thanks to TexasEllen for the heads up.