New Boston, Texas, and Letters

June 02, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, the couple pointing fingers at each other over the ricin-laced letters sent to President Barack Obama, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberghail from New Boston, Texas, which is — ta da! — in East Texas.

They are blaming each other, which is kinda common in East Texas since all the sane people moved out and now they are left to fight with each other.

Their congressvarmint is Ralph Hall, who is 147 years old (he was born in 1923, do the math) and first went to congress in 1980 as a blue dog Democrat, switched parties in 1995 and is now a loud Tea Party crackpot.  He was a buddy of Jack Abramoff and spent more time than considered seemly in the Northern Mariana Islands.

Thelma says she’s impressed that the letters came from New Boston.  She didn’t know that anybody there could write.

Thanks to TexasEllen for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “New Boston, Texas, and Letters”

  1. Bud Malone says:

    With all the odd people Juanita has described over the years, if we were to construct a Hall of Shame billboard, how big would it have to be?

  2. There is an actual library in New Boston where the literate people hang out. It’s small. When we first moved back to Texas in 2007 we nived in a nearby town and New Boston had the Walmart and the Brookshire’s and the library. Everything else they have is pretty much what you’d expect from East Texas. I never saw this guy at the library, that’s for sure.

  3. maryelle says:

    The culprit(s) drove to Shreveport, LA, to throw off the feds, but got caught anyway. Must have been that S.W.A.K. on the back of the envelope. To be fair, one of the letters came from Spokane and another from Tupelo.
    So Stupid and Crazy are pretty much everywhere.

  4. OldMayfly says:

    Physicist Dr. Sheldon Cooper (a fictional character on the TV show Big Bang Theory) is from East Texas. Occasionally Sheldon has to explain to his friends the difference between East Texas and Other Texas.

  5. Corinne Sabo says:

    I agree with Thelma.

  6. Umptydump says:

    When this story surfaced a couple days ago, I had to look up the congressional district for New Boston and found out that it was Hall’s. At the time I was wondering if New Boston voted for Louis Gohmert or Steve Strickland. Seeing what those two troublemakers have said about guns in the past, it would have figured.

  7. Sarah Routh says:

    I’m thinking the Feds should check out Mr. Stockman since the letters seem to echo his sentiments as quoted right here in the beauty salon.

  8. Marge Wood says:

    Remember products from the Marianas say MADE IN THE USA. I guess that’s still true. And remember that Perry vetoed a bipartisan bill passed by the Lege, supporting American made products. The only thing I have against the Marianas is, the factories are basically slave labor. Is all that true? It used to be. Yep, I looked it up: 2005. Slave labor. Sweatshop conditions. Remember who put a stop to reforms there? Tom DeLay. The best way to make sure it’s Made in USA is to make it yourself.

  9. Litlhorn says:

    New Boston….Never been there but my whole life is directly related to that little spot on the map. In 1958, my newlywed father and his blushing pregnant bride were in New Boston for a Rodeo, cause like all good East Texas handsome James Dean wannabe’s, Daddy was an up and coming Bull rider. Daddy made his 8 seconds but at the sound of the buzzer passed out for a split second and fell forward, resulting in losing his right eye to the horn of the bull. when he came to, there was no real pain since all the nerves in that area were damaged and his job at that point was to get the hell out of the ring. when he got up on the fence the Cowboys were all staring at him and he said something to the effect of “I might have cracked a rib” or something and the wrangler hanging there said”I wouldn’t worry about your ribs right now” and pointed out to center of the ring said “That spot out there is your right eye” and then the man threw up. Mama, being a City Girl from Nacogdoches, didn’t even know anything had happened until the lady in front of her told her “Sug, you better go, they’re putting your man in an ambulance. She jumped the fence and ran across the ring and off they went to Hospital. Daddy never recovered from that blow. Yes, he went on to have 4 children, all of whom have Graduate degree’s and done their bit in the grandchildren dept. and have lived good, interesting lives, the true sign of good upbringing. But that split second in New Boston took the winds out of his sail in such a way that he never really got it back, effecting everything that came afterwards. For the first time in his life he was beaten by something he had no control over and the World took on a left-eyed color of failure – and So long winded story aside, My family sort of got our own poisoned envelope from New Boston…. kinda makes me want to spit just saying the name….

  10. ” The right to bear arms is my constitutional, God-given right”

    I don’t have the bible memorized so can anyone tell me or quote the phrase in the bible where God proclaims the right to have guns?

  11. donquijoterocket says:

    Deity proclaimed right to firearms or the existence of the United States constitution either one. If old Moses had walked into the constitutional convention with the thing engraved on tablets of stone I might be impressed,not convinced,but impressed.

  12. Miss Prissybritches says:

    Litlhorn, my family also got its own poisoned envelope from New Boston, too. My beautiful nieces were both killed in a car accident there…. the driver of their car was the husband of my elder niece.. they had been married one month… all 3 died. You don’t turn left in front of an 18-wheeler going 70mph in a little Ford Focus and live to tell about it. While I do not believe that it was anything but a terrible, tragic accident, I will always believe that Adam was a consumate screw-up. Must be something in the water there, or something. Our family will never be the same, either.
