My Hero, Becky Moeller

May 21, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Becky Moeller is President of the Texas AFL-CIO and she’s all that and a big diamond ring.

Becky has a cost-saving idea to Texas taxpayers.  She can save them $10,000 a month.

She’s offering up a mobile home for Texas Governor Rick Perry to live in.  She’s willing to rent it to him for $1. a year.  Cash American money.

Becky says —

We are offering the use of this housing for $1 a year, compared to $10,000 a month plus many other expenses at the rental mansion. If Gov. Perry accepts our offer, we will work out furnishings, connections and any reasonable details to make certain the building is comfortable for temporary living.

Although it was just delivered, we have tried to bring some homey touches to the manufactured home you see here. Among the amenities, Gov. Perry will find Food and Wine Magazine, a 50-year-old stuffed German shepherd from my personal collection that is not a coyote, and a short-term supply of hair product.

“That’s a damn hoot!” Juanita hollers.

Now, here’s the kicker —

Perry spokesman Mark Miner says the AFL-CIO stunt is merely a political gimmick for Democratic candidate Bill White.

“Ya think?”

“And now we know what Mark Miner is not a brain surgeon,” she laughs.

“Of course it’s a stunt, you idiot!  It’s funny.  It makes Rick Perry look the fool.  It’s plow down straight up good ole Texas humor.  Becky can make far more more than $10,000 a month by giving tours of the doublewide decorated like we think Rick Perry would decorate it.  I’ve even got a friend who’ll throw in a stuffed coyote!”

Thank you, Becky.  You da woman!

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