My Friend, Huey, Who Can Spell

January 19, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I think I’ve introduced y’all to my friend Huey Fischer, who writes a dandy blog when he’s not busy being a legislative aide in Austin for the good guys.

Huey was in Austin today and took these actual pictures with his actual cellphone of actual pro-gun demonstrators in front of the actual Capitol building.

Click the little ones to get the big ones.

And neither shall the first or third amedmet.

Ammendment?  Close, real close.

Hey, third try is the charm.  Too bad about that un.

Thanks again to Huey, who is my favorite Stubb’s Mac and Cheese partner. Hook ’em, Hon.

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0 Comments to “My Friend, Huey, Who Can Spell”

  1. This ties in nicely with the chart that shows that the most uneducated and uninformed states are the red states.

    The signs help prove that fact.

  2. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Well, there’s our test…..If you can’t spell words that appear in our Constitution, or can’t look them up before making your large public sign, you’re just not smart enough to own a lethal weapon.

    Good Grief.

  3. My God, JJ. (Even at that) these people are performing far beyond what anyone would have predicted. I’m sure there are some second grade teachers who are thrilled to see these folks putting a couple of words together. They have peaked-a long time ago.

  4. Seriously! What is it with these folks and spelling! They spell like first graders.

    Never mind…I just answered my own question. Hey, but welcome to Texas–we’re number 47 out of 50 in education!

  5. It’s the librul media’s fault. Everything is the librul media’s fault.

  6. For they so loved the Second Amendment, but could not understand, spell or look it up in either the Constitution or the dictionary. They probably don’t have either, but they have their guns. Jesus wept.

  7. The NRA wants to put guns into schools? It might be a good idea to get future gun owners into schools first.

  8. TexasEllen says:

    Good grief. Don’t they know they could try out their sign phrases in e-mails to their friends using spell check?

    Some other celebrants of “Gun Appreciation Day” had bigger problems than elementary school failure.

  9. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Remember when they used to have literacy tests for voting? Maybe not such a bad idea.

  10. Have Crayons, will protest!

    “Your not getting my guns”… heavy sigh…

  11. The guys in these photos look to be almost dead already. Why would they worry about gun rights?

  12. I go to few lefty demonstrations and none of the other variety, but I see lots of photos posted. Can somebody tell me– is there really that much of a difference in signs, that the lefties can almost always spell and punctuate correctly and the righties frequently can’t, or are those just the signs that get photographed and posted? Like “Obama’s a Muslin”?

    I enjoyed one photo of a bunch of righties with their signs and someone behind them with another sign held up high. His had arrows pointing to all the other signs and said, “We have no idea what we’re talking about!”

  13. Ralph Wiggam, I think they should have a reality test for voters. If you think Obama’s a Muslim, Saddam was behind the 9/11 attacks, and climate change is a big conspiracy hoax by them egghead scientists, you can’t vote because you don’t pay attention. And that goes double for Congresscritters.

  14. There must be some sort of wingnut sign factory underpaying bad spellers to chuck these things out. The workers need a union, a thesaurus, spellcheck and no access to weapons.

  15. Sorry to keep mouthing off, but just saw a story that five people were accidentally shot at gun shows on Gun Appreciation Day. In 2 of the 3 incidents, somebody was getting their own gun out of a case when it went off and shot other people. Even I know that you don’t load a gun until you’re about to use it, so what the **** are they doing with loaded guns inside a case? The other brain donor was loading his gun and shot himself in the hand.

  16. @Rhea – I think you’ve stumbled onto the ultimate solution to the gun problem … more gun shows!!! They’ll all end up shooting themselves and each other by accident!!

  17. Yes, unarmed (or un armed) people die. So do armed people.

    There actually aren’t any loopholes on this one.

  18. And….. these under achievers really do believe that their right to be able to shoot people……. is absolute?????

    Before we put guns in schools, I’m all for putting teachers in schools that teach students how to spell…. and read.

    It just boggles the mind.

  19. I come from cattle country & have a question for y’all… If a bunch of these gun nuts hunt with semi-automatic ‘big guns’ & happen to mow down a herd of cattle (yeah, yeah.. by mistake), are their Second Amendment rights protected over the rancher’s property rights? Jest askin’ . . .

  20. The mayor of Philadelphia was more precise & effective than any of those signs! As president of the U.S. Conf. of Mayors, he testified before the House Democratic Caucus hearing, along with the Chief of Police in Chasta, MN, Newtown’s school superintendent & Gabe Zimmerman’s mother (Gabe was Rep. Gabby Gifford’s staffer). All stated the obvious SO eloquently & powerfully but Gabe Zimmerman’s mother stated the obvious regarding the greater rights to life & liberty. The video is long, but well worth watching!

    C-Span video:

  21. We have more than our fair share of Gunz Imbeciles here in Tennessee:

    Every other person who gets charged with DUI has their DL suspended for one year – but NO, the Guns in Bars Moran did not~he is a KNOWN DRUNKARD long before this “gun-related” incident.

    Rep. Curry Todd pleads guilty to DUI, firearms possession via @Tennessean

  22. SomedayGirl says:

    I can’t believe you are all so uncaring – clearly that first guy was spellig wit a code.

  23. Aggieland liz says:

    Tea-bonics y’all, 2nd edishun… 2nd Ammedmet edishun, that is! Glory!

  24. Kyuta Syuko says:

    Yes there are a lot of less then stellar people in the intelligence field. Even my spelling is horrid, but at least I have the sense to use spell check. Yes it sickens and horrifies me how some of these “gun lovers” act, but it’s not how we all act. Yes I think it’s stupid to carry around a loaded gun in anything other then the holster at your hip or side. I cannot fathom why anyone would carry a case with a loaded handgun rather then having the handgun unloaded with a full magazine or two beside it. I also don’t believe excessive gun control is the answer, but instead proper gun education and mental health programs are the way to go.

  25. 100% gun registration, no assault weapons, no huge capacity clips.
    These are not excessive controls, they are common sense minimum
    regulation. They do not prevent gun ownership, just mass murder.
    Then we can talk mental health.
