Mueller Punts, Barr Does Exactly What He Said He Would Do
We STILL haven’t seen the Mueller report, but it appears that it shows all the evidence for and against Trump and his cronies colluding with the Russians, apparently punting an indictment decision to the Justice department. Barr predictably cleared Trump of collusion with the Russians with NO explanation why; on obstruction, he did what he already said he would do, which was to oppose those charges against Trump.
Obviously, Mueller chose to not throw the country into a Constitutional crisis by giving Trump a pass on the legion of lies and the dozens of contacts with the Russians and with Wiki-Leaks. His definition of “obstruction” was so narrow that it was impossible to come to criminal charges because there wasn’t a smoking gun (or pee-pee tape). I mean, for God’s sake, Manafort is in prison, Michael Cohen is going to prison, and George Papadopoulos has already served time, all for lying to investigators about their contacts WITH THE RUSSIANS. Barr’s whitewash doesn’t pass the straight-faced test, and we don’t know yet what we don’t know.
What we do know is that even Barr, who SAID we couldn’t indict a sitting president with obstruction, stated that Trump was not exonerated of this crime. Since Trump actually confessed to obstruction by firing Comey, it’s pretty clear that he did obstruct justice, but Barr is declining to follow through on the charges because Trump is in office.
We all know what’s going on here, right? Trump is guilty as hell, that is clear. To protect the guy who nominated him, Barr is providing legal cover for a period of time so the media can falsely claim that Mueller cleared Trump, which he most certainly did not. When the truth comes out in a year or so, it will be too late as the lies of his innocence will then be ingrained into popular culture, and we’ll then be in danger of electing this walking violation of the Constitution to another 4 years.
God help us.