Most Amusing Headline of the Day. So Far.
You know, with all the rumors of Rick Perry being gay, you’d think he’d want to stay away from backdoors while campaigning for President.
Okay, he might be asking because the regular entrance is through the office of the District Attorney he’s accused of extorting. Or he might be asking so he can sneak in without having a line of reporters and teevee cameras there to welcome him. But, now that they know …. sorry, Rick.
Or, he might just be a scary-cat little boy.
Thanks to everybody for the heads up.
With a little luck he may be soon going through the jailhouse door.
1He was just worried about getting lost.
He knew he could always find the back door.
2You know what they say —- oops!
3Perry wants to avoid the Walk of Shame he’d have to go through out front. Thanks to J.J. now there will be one out back too.
4Not good PR for a presidential candidate.
One of these days pRick is going to discover that going down a coal shute is a helluva lot more fun. Back doors are so yesterday, so amateur.
5Convene that grand jury in Iowa or New Hampshire, Perry’ll be there in a flash with bells on his toes.
6He also asked if he could bring his guns or a few Patriot types with him.
7Perp Walk!
8Let’s hope (p)Rick will be doin’ some fancy perp walkin’ sooner, rather than later.
9Sooner would be better. Imagine if he does end up in jail. You think he will be in the next round of history books?
10Oh, re: the old GOP lady at lunch. She twinkled at me and said “How about our governor getting Toyota to come to Texas?” I said “There’s not enough water here for folks to move into the state.” That was where we started agreeing.
11Rick Perry: Coward