More Evidence

July 06, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This came in the email —

Hi Juanita,

I have been a long time listener, but a rare commenter. I always enjoy your posts! Now I have a tidbit for you! Imagine my surprise when, after reading your latest July 15th post on Jade Helm, I happened to look at my Facebook feed and found a big ad for “Prime Day”- a day when Amazon Prime members will be offered “more deals than Black Friday”! And when is this Prime Day, you ask? It’s only going to be once a year on – you guessed it – July 15!!!!!!!!!!!! Coincidence????? I think not!

I think Amazon is working with President Obama to distract the citizens of Texas (and the rest of the country) with super good deals so they’ll be glued to their computers and won’t notice the storm troops sneaking up on them! I thought you’d want some advance warning. Keep up the good work; we in far away Michigan enjoy having something to take our minds off our own mouth-breathing Republican government.

Mary Lynne

I am so grateful for our foreign correspondents.


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