Monkey See, Monkey Do

June 07, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


I’m betting they have mind melded.


I wonder if Mother Pence is worried.

Thanks to SGray for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Monkey See, Monkey Do”

  1. Reminds me of that Spongebob episode where Patrick imitates everything Spongebob does because he’s jealous.

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    Points to the pundit who described Mikey Dense’s behavior as glutinous maximus. Dimwit Dotard takes Mikey’s behavior to be ‘loyal.’ Crikey, it’s doubtful Julius Caesar was so dumb about Brutus. Obviously Dotard45 is a place marker for the religious wrong who want one thing – to destroy our courts with their treasonous anti Constitution separation of state & religion ***king morons.

    Give me liberty or give me death, and sure as sunrise give me the 1st and 14th Amendments that protect all that is what makes our fledgling democracy who we are.

  3. “No water for you, Mike Pence! Come back one year! Next!”

  4. Maybe their handlers under the table were thirsty? (Pence has a handler to handle Trump’s handler, just to be sure)

  5. When a similar video was shown today on M$NBC, Dense and Spanky did the same flat-handed wave and thumbs up. I guess they were hitchhiking to the next venue?

    Can you spare a Krugerand? Hook a brother up!

  6. Who hasn’t sat back at various company meetings at work and observed the most obsequious buttkissing brownosers engaging in a variety of visual and audible submissive gestures designed to acquire max browniepoints for their own sorry asses?
    Shouldn’t be much of a surprise to see hordes of Trumpanzees from the top on down busy themselves grooming der HöchsteFührer Trumpanzee.

    Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer, ein Wasserflasche.

  7. maryelle says:

    Ah, loved the Water (Soup) Nazi reference, Texas Trailer Park Trash. Pence could be the political embodiment of George Can’tStandYa.

  8. The idea of puppet handlers under the table is clever but what about a conspiracy concern of the water being poisoned? Or it’s a signal to… so many scenarios that are just as bizarre (and plausible!) as their current *reality*. Sigh.

  9. Makes me wonder what Pence does when Trump turns around and drops his pants so everybody else around the table can kiss his butt. Pence had better shut off his copy-the-boss mode right quick at that moment.

  10. Nah, Rick – those handlers drink good Russian vodka.

  11. oldymoldy says:

    is that mrs trump sitting in on some sort of cabinet meeting?

  12. Pathetic. Prissy Pussy Pency is simply pathetic. I hope pres Animal Shithole at least supplies cases of chapstick, Suzy Chapstick, to be specific. (Some of you recall perky “Suzy Chapstick?”)

  13. Cannot stand His Denseness! Somehow the Mueller investigation has to get rid of Dense as well as Trump. Considering the mirror behavior exhibited at this meeting, it might not be too hard to do that at all.

  14. Old Fart says:

    @oldymoldy #11
    On another website I had commented that 45 was afraid of being poisoned. Someone replied that was what Melania was there for, food testing for the Commander in Cheese…

  15. There’s a good chance he did that so when Trump forgot he’d put his water down, he didn’t steal his.

  16. Karen crosby says:

    I can’t stop watching this and smiling. Thanks.

  17. Jere Armen says:

    Irrelevant question to the point of the piece, but: Why is Melania attending a FEMA meeting? To prove she’s still in DC?
