Monday Morning
Guys, I have known about this story for two weeks. I kept trying to come up with a way to make it funnier, but I can’t. I give up.
However, you should not miss this story. If for no other reason than to prove that crazy people live everywhere, including very Democratic Vermont.
So state Sen. Joe Benning — a Republican who was actually trying to do a good thing, which he has probably learned to never try again — introduced a bill to adopt the motto “Stella quarta decima fulgeat.” — May the fourteenth star shine bright.” Because Vermont was the 14th state, see? Benning noted that when Vermont briefly minted its own currency, it was engraved with “Stella Quarta Deccima,” so the phrase had real historical cachet.
He was doing this at the request of a school student. The public response was amazing. Go to the link and read some of them.
Thanks to everybody and their Aunt Matilda for the heads up.
E Pluribus Stupid
1For whom the bell tolls with clarion insularity: Freedumb!
2As a “Flatlander” living in Vermont, I always tell you, we have ’em too. They are usually not so visible though.
3“We the of the to a more for the the welfare and the blessings of to ourselves and our do and this for the of”
Boy, the Preamble is a lot shorter if you take out all the words that came from Latin, including “Constitution” “United” “States” and “America.”
Dumb spiro, no spero
4I’ve often said, “Vermont is the Kentucky of New England.”
This just proves the point…
5Guess onion best not go to Vermont. iowa is close enough to Latin the way it is.
6I expected more from the state that has Bernie.
7Illegitimi non carborundum.
“Don’t let the bastards grind you down.”
Not really Latin, but apropos for those clowns in Vermont.
8This is absolutely hilarious! Somehow, I missed this story, unlike everybody else, apparently.
The ignorati are in full voice these days.
9It could be worse.
Fox News could have announced it was a “Muslim” saying from the Koran. That would bump up the ratings on Fox & Friends, until they mumble a short retraction a few days later.
10I’d like to think that most of those people are not from Vermont. I’d also like to think that most of them are deliberately making a funny. I’d like to think.
As for trying to make this story funnier, I’m reminded of Molly Ivins who said that she tried to say funny things about stories that came in on the teletype, but “Some days it’s just rip and read.”
11Uhhh Isn’t “Vermont” uhhh French?
So I submit this as a French motto for Vermont,
12“Ne laissez pas les bâtards vous broyer”
Words fail! And we let these folks vote? How on earth did Bernie get in?
13And people don’t believe me when I keep telling them that Idiocracy is an actual documentary.
14The Wonkette article JJ linked to is pretty funny, and the comment excerpts – from both the idiots and those mocking them. Though like most of Wonkette, not safe for Mama…
15Micr & Mike – yes, indeed. Verily so.
16I hope these true believers immediately ditched every bit of cash they own that has one of these unpatriotic Latin phrases on it. They could always send it to me. I like Latin.
17If you think this was really something…
Just wait until they find out that our “Kenyan, Socialist, Secret Muslim,” President Barack Hussein Obama is going to propose that we adopt the Arabic Number System…
18The stupid. It burns my eyes. Meanwhile the goober governor is attacking the University of Wisconsin’s original land grant mission. More attempts by rightwing nuts to dumb down the population.
19Just when you think the bar can’t be set any lower, the bottom drops out. Mental sinkholes are popping all across the country.
20I want to laugh, but I also want to cry. I am amazed at the vast number of uneducated and willfully ignorant people there are and how often they expose their ignorance publicly. It makes me sad and embarrassed for our country. Who the heck started the “stupid is cool” meme?
21I’m always impressed by the … creativity these English First types demonstrate with their grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
22And we let these people roam the earth just like normal humans! Scary.
23Scott Fitzwalkerstan of Wisconsin is a piece of…….work. A wholly owned subsidiary of koch bros,bought and paid for,owned lock,stock and barrel,etc.,amen,and all that jazz.
24“We continue our charmingly eccentric habit of polling ourselves to find out how ignorant we are. Then we all slap our foreheads in dismay over the national dumbness. This particular oddity yields such nuggets as: 37.2 percent of us think the Mexican border should pay rent. ”
—Molly Ivins, July, 2005
25Screw the ignoramusi. Let me stew in their own mildew. Gotta remember that Vermont is home to some really well known schools all of whom have Latin inscriptions. The child who proposed this idea has more brains in her little fingernail than all the slobs who objected have put together. Onward and upward with the 14th state shining bright! Been there before. Cold. The only place I have ever experienced frost as thick as snow. But I like it!
26Only disagreement I found with Molly Ivins is her contention that dumbass dubya was a likable human being. Lord I miss that woman and her writing style,wit and humor etc.
27When I read the Wonkette story, I was laughing with tears in my eyes. The stupid, it burns.
28The Interview of Huckabee on Comedy Central that made the “distinction” between “smart” and Harvard educated–“You are saying Harvard like it’s a bad thing”–has caused a meme to pop up in our household. “Harvard or____?” Because my guy went to Tufts and is now graduating midlife from Med school, we look at each other often when the stupid is just too thick and groan. It’s terrifying instead of funny. We watched “Nebraska” last night (which was scary as much as funny) and I told him it was exactly like that when I visited some cousins in flyover country recently while their mother was dying. In the movie, it was old age that had the old man so confused, but the general slowness of the people around him had my guy saying he would kill himself if he were stuck in that situation and I said that when I (from the west coast) had visited 40 years earlier, my cousins and their friends were killing themselves with more drug use than I was ever aware of on the coast. The drugs may have contributed to the thickness/stupidity, I’m not sure, all I know is that coastal sensibilities and middle country ones as shown by Huckabee are such distinct different animals that I’m frightened for my country. Hoi polloi majority is not how we are run, and I thank goodness everyday. It’s not so much English first, as English at all! English takes so much from other languages, and has such glorious exactitude available, so many lovely words, I shudder as it is reduced to Orwellian form. How did they ever elect Bernie? We can’t afford another stupid figurehead like Bush the shrub, or his worse brother, Jeb.
29I live in MN, a state of very smart liberals. We elected Democratic Governor Mark Dayton in 2008. In the meantime, WI, which used to be the fine state of Russ Feingold, elected dumbf*** Walker. In the intervening 6 years, the two very similar states have provided a laboratory comparison of liberal and conservative values.
Minnesota is kicking Wisconsin’s butt on virtually every level – economic, social, education, crime, etc. Dayton has gone from a Republican budget deficit (Pawlenty), to a $1 billion Democratic surplus. Our economy is one of the national leaders, notwithstanding Walker’s attempt to twist and distort numbers during his reelection campaign. Yeah, a Republican lied. Who would have guessed?
Dayton raised taxes on the wealthiest, Walker decreased it. Dayton supports environmental protection. Walker supports environmental exploitation. Makes you think liberal policies Work while conservative policies Fail.
Walker and his cronies are pathetic. He’d be challenged by going nose to nose in a brain Olympics with Benning.
30e platypus, Jon Stewart once asked Tony Blair why he liked Dubya. “He’s a likeable fellow.” “I might think so too if he weren’t IN CHARGE OF ME.”
I never found Reagan charming or twinkly; he repelled me because his policies repelled me. But I’m sure that if you’d shown him a beggar, Reagan would have taken out his wallet. Problem is that if you’d informed him that his policies were going to create a million more beggars, he’d have smiled vaguely at you while your words went in one ear, bounced off concrete, and came back out the same ear.
31This country is littered with buffoons. Imagine if they were to leave VT and come to Texas to avoid the snow. Public notices here are in English and Spanish. That would surprise them. Scare them by pointing out that a lot of Hispanics were living in the south west long before the region became part of the US.
How do you say mouth breather in Latin?
32Debbo-you almost swore. Good for you. 🙂
33Rhea-excellent on Ronnie Raygun. He did not see what he didn’t want to see-like his aides selling weapons to Iran and sending the money illegally to the Contras in Nicaragua. He also did not see firsthand the liberation of a Nazi death camp.I just assumed he was senile when he was elected.
dumbass dubya,otoh,is pure evil through and through,imho.