Midnight in Washington

February 05, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Thanks to Kary for the heads up.  

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0 Comments to “Midnight in Washington”

  1. This is really powerful, but sadly i expect that many Americans will see this as just more partisan bickering. I fear that too few people really grasp what is going on and where we are headed and will continue to do so until it is too late. Really hard to see any reason for optimism.

  2. Captain Dan says:

    Trumpster will be remembered by History. as an illegally elected Pres who was impeached and then protected by a criminally motivated Senate.

  3. Schiff’s words are words that needed to be said. Whatever the Senate does now, they are words that will go down in history.

    I hope the Senate will consider the long view and do the right thing. Personally, I would hate to be remembered as a coward who gave a criminal-in-chief a pass.

  4. Grandma Ada says:

    This farce of a trial needs to be the first line on GOP Senators political obituaries. I’m doing my best to make sure that Cornyn will have it served up on the evening of November 3rd.

  5. Three cheers for Sen. Doug Jones.
    He remembered “who brought him”, realized he could never appease a alabama thuglican to vote for him and is voting to convict in impeachment.
    Now that is an example of both political courage and political realism.
    Disagree with him on occassion but unlike that whimp munchkin (w.va.), and all the thuglicans, believes his word should mean something.
    So lets hear it for him.
    Good on ya.
    This is an example of what D’s should be doing.

  6. The Surly Professor says:

    Grandma Ada@4 : the only honest political obituary I’ve read in the past 40 years was for Richard Nixon. “Yes, He Was a Crook” by Hunter Thompson, Jr.

    I’ve already prepared myself mentally for when Dick Cheney’s lead-lined coffin is lowered into a future toxic waste dump. NYT will probably have some list of his accomplishments, omitting the thousands of US service people and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis he has killed and his profiteering from an unnecessary war. They *might* put in a phrase like “his at-times controversial decisions”, but it will be buried in both-siderism, fluffery, and euphemisms.

    And when Trump finally flops over dead, the main stream media will probably have Steve Miller write the obituary.
