Meet Cecil

March 09, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Cecil Webster has been my friend for ten years, maybe even a little longer.  He’s a retired Colonel in the United States Army and one helluva gentleman farmer in Carmine, Texas.  A long time ago, Cecil married way above himself to the gorgeous and talented Marsha Webster.

Cecil is the former Democratic county chair of Fayette County, a national delegate for Barack Obama in 2012, and currently serves on the State Democratic Executive Committee representing Texas Veterans.

I like Cecil.  But even if I didn’t, he’s not a man I would want to piss off.

So, when Cecil got a call that his congressvarmint wasn’t going to do a town hall, but that he would have a mass phone call where he did all the talking, Cecil was willing to even do that.

It did not go well.

First came this …


Cecil is a patient man but when it became apparent that he’d been snookered …


Mike McCaul’s official name is now Grass.

I kinda think we ain’t heard the end of this.  At least I hope we haven’t.

Sic ‘um, Cecil.


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0 Comments to “Meet Cecil”

  1. JAKvirginia says:

    Lessee… they want to run America like a business. M’kay. So what do you think should happen to an employee of yours when they don’t take your call when they said they would and leave you hanging? Terminate them, maybe? Repeal and replace?

    We are paying them to represent us in Congress. We pay them to do that. They are our employees. They are not doing their job. They should be fired. I am talking to you like a 3rd grader because you don’t listen when I talk to you like an adult.

    (Well, not y’all here, but you know what I mean…)

  2. They ARE running America like a business. The purpose of a business is to make money for its stockholders. If they can do that by screwing their employees and customers, they will (until they run it into the ground and it fails).

  3. Sandridge says:

    Ruh-oh. Time to haul McCaul to the woodshed. Who better than Col. CR Webster, USA (rtrd).

    Any of y’all ever go to that genuine German old-style Texas dance hall located just on the edge of Carmine, just 1/4 mile down TX-237 from Hwy 290 (going towards Round Top)?

  4. Why nothing could be easier than scheduling a meetin’ with his highness Congressman McCaul: one need only mosey over to

    and jus schedule that meetin’. BYW I’m not holding my breath for even a portion of a picosecond waiting on a congress-varmint to meet with the largely unhappy-to-very-angry constituency. Of course this anger needs to be turned into Democrat seats in the House come November, 2018 or the anger and the opportunity are wasted.

  5. Hiding from his constituents, even if they are lowly Dems, may
    not be in McCaul’s long term best interests. One can only hope and pray.

  6. The GOP should change its iconic color from red to yellow.

    Or maybe we could do it for them. Got paint?

  7. JAK, I think you may have something…about treating them like students.

    It would be great to create a printable report card that could be created and sent (in truckloads) to the congress-critters providing constituents a real chance to grade performance and share expectations for improvement.

  8. Tilphousia says:

    All the critters’ votes are public record. Anyone can find them in the congressional record. If I’m wrong and it’s another publication, please forgive and correct.

  9. I was on the call. It’s OK ya didn’t miss anything. Same ol’ BS.

  10. L'Angelomisterioso says:

    @maryelle #5- I’ll assume that every state’s got at least one and they’re all snacilbupers. For instance Colorado voters didn’t even get worthless invitations for a phone call. They got a cardboard cutout of Senator Cory Gardner to complain to after bothering to show up at a town hall meeting

  11. JAKvirginia says:

    Y’know, up above I made have stumbled on to something.

    “Repeal&Replace: Your Congressvarmint”

    Has a nice ring to it, no?

  12. Yes, JAKvirgina, “Repeal & Replace Your Congressvarmint” has a great ring to it. For mine too. The always missing Lamar Smith.

  13. I got an email from my yellow bellied, chicken liver snacilbupeR Congress varmint, Jason Loser. He said he’s arranged some meetings with specific groups and will be doing more. But the slime ball will not be doing any town halls. I guess his big, bad constituents are just too scary for him. Poor, delicate little flower.
    “If you can’t take the heat, get [the fork] out of Congress!” Hillary Clinton.
