Do Not Let Momma Click This Link

March 09, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Momma, do not click this link.

Listen to me, Momma, do NOT click it.

Everybody, click away.  It’s Dirty but it’s funny.



Or for the clean minded among you, there’s this.



In case you’re wondering where I have been all day, I got a better invitation.


We went to the zoo to see the an-mals.


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0 Comments to “Do Not Let Momma Click This Link”

  1. Chloe Bear says:

    What a handsome date. No doubt you both had a great time!

  2. maryelle says:

    He is adorable. Give him a hug for me. What a great change of pace from our usual discussions.

  3. JAKvirginia says:

    What a cute coppertop! And azaleas! I hope it was a perfect day.

  4. The world needs more redheads. And fewer MFs.

  5. Coprolite says:

    What a precious time. Those flowers are gorgeous!

    Up here in the far north we are at the 50 shades of gray stage. Although, today it did warm up enough to begin melting. Yipee.

  6. Sonya Noah says:

    Unbelievable how fast he has grown. He is so cute i bet it’s impossible not to always be wanting hugs and kisses. I can’t stop smiling at his picture. It feels good.
    So glad y’all are seeing the “good” animals today.

  7. Oh, how I envy you! None of my children, grandchildren, or great-grandchildren live close to us. What a precious little man you have there, and how lucky he is to have the family he has!

    Also, I agree with Rhea above. Amen!

  8. Grands and zoos are just the best!

  9. Malarkey says:

    The an-mals in the zoo are MUCH more fun than the an-mals in DeeCee!

  10. Jane & PKM says:

    Ben, you are certainly a future statesman or anything and everything you choose to be! Another famous Ben said “patience is a virtue.” You are very virtuous and a very good boy. With all the excitement of an-mals to be seen, you chose to take a moment for a photo op to treasure the moment forever.

  11. Jane & PKM says:

    Forgive us, Ms. JJ. We were victims of the charm of Ben which we hope you will understand and appreciate.

    On to the link with some great swag, and observations. When Dubya left office, we all breathed a sigh of relief. We thought “it” was over, until Donnie arose from the swamp to play the Fakir of Twitter to a segment of the population so desperate for change they were willing to vote against themselves. ITMFA!

  12. Laurel Beckett says:

    Too awesomely cute! I’m a pushover for red-headed kids, having two grandchildren of that persuasion myself. I’ve been spending several hours a week introducing the 12-year-old to trigonometry. But now I wanna run out with him and his 8-year-old sister and wander through the arboretum admiring the redbud and ceanothus, which are just starting to bloom. And carefully not feeding the ducks, which is Streng Verboten.

  13. Awww. To both the redhead and the link.

  14. That Other Jean says:

    What Rhea and Malarkey said. I hope you and that beautiful redhead had a great time at the zoo.

  15. Mah Fellow Murkuhn says:

    I’ve been having to come over to your area a lot lately to visit a new grandson. It’s a tough drive, but worth it. We have one about the age of yours, but they live in Louisiana and we don’t get to see them as often. But we do have a good excuse for going to New Orleans.

  16. Boy, that boy is so adorable! I’m very jealous of you JJ.
    I love both items. Oh for a little spare cash.
