Maybe Trump and Abbott Got Their Orders

October 27, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The New York Times reports that Putin is mandating mask wearing during Russia’s new wave of corona virus.

The directive was unusual because President Vladimir V. Putin has resisted taking any nationwide measures to stop the virus’s spread in recent months, delegating the battle to regional leaders. And after a nationwide lockdown in April and May caused widespread economic pain, officials have been loath to order any new business closures, even as the infection rate reached new heights in recent weeks.

Sound familiar?

And right in line with Putin, Texas’ own governor, Greg Abbott, is ordering 1,000 Texas Army National Guard troops to the polls in five major Democratic strongholds in Texas on election day.  The purpose is either to suppress votes or start trouble.  They are just trying to make it safe for the bad boys to start fires and then run pointing fingers at minorities.

All five of these cities have excellent sheriff departments who are perfectly capable of handling any problems.  People are voting, you don’t need a damn army.  I thought the whole purpose of voting was the peaceful transfer of power.  Apparently, not in Texas.


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