May The Fourth Be With You (And The Astros)
Your service here at the salon is always temporarily interrupted during baseball season – especially for day games.
I know it’s a crisis day in Washington, DeeCee, y’all, but we’re playing the Rangers on the last day of this home stand, and we’ve had a pretty near flawless record against them this time. Game time is at 1:00. Yes, I know I was just there last night, and the night before that, and the night before … oh hell, I could legally change my voter registration to the ballpark. Yes, I know I have to drive 45 minutes to get there and then ride the train for a couple of miles, and then walk a few blocks, and I don’t understand why they just won’t let me pitch a tent and stay all night because it ain’t like they lack the space or anything, but it’s baseball and I flat love baseball.
So, May the Fourth Be With You to call your congressfool all damn day long. Use this thread to talk about it.
This was taken two years ago on May 4th. It still makes me smile.